Curtis Dozier

Curtis Dozier received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2008. He is the director of Pharos: Doing Justice to the Classics, a site devoted to documenting and responding to appropriations of ancient Greece and Rome by hate groups. He is also the producer and host of The Mirror of Antiquity, a podcast featuring classical scholars discussing the intersections of their research, the contemporary world, and their own lives.
His research focuses on Latin poetry, classical rhetoric, and ancient literary criticism. He has published a series of articles on various aspects of Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria. His course on Classical Rhetoric and the Presidential Campaign has been featured on Vassar News and his work has appeared in, the online journal for Classics and Contemporary Culture Eidolon, and Public Radio’s Academic Minute. In addition to his work in the department of Greek and Roman Studies, from 2014–2019 Professor Dozier served as faculty advisor to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans studying at Vassar through the college’s partnership with the Posse Foundation.
Box 539
Research and Academic Interests
Latin Poetry
Classical Rhetoric
Ancient Literary Criticism
Classical Reception
Departments and Programs
AFRS/GRST 301 Seminar in Classical Civilization
GRST 344 Roman Lyric and Elegy
Grants, Fellowships, Honors, Awards
Curtis Dozier is the Recipient of a Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship
Curtis Dozier, Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman Studies, received a Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship from Harvard University for the 2023–2024 academic year to support his book project Hateful Classicism: Greco-Roman Antiquity and White Nationalism.