Vassar is proud to offer an automatic application fee waiver to all service veterans. All veterans are guaranteed an admission interview
Visit the Apply page to learn about application requirements.
Veterans may supplement their applications by submitting additional materials related to their military experience, including:
As a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program, Vassar will match funding with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to cover the difference in costs between Vassar’s tuition and fees and those of the highest public in-state institution.
Housing options are available both on or off campus. The surrounding area offers apartment units for rent. Campus includes apartment-like housing for single juniors and seniors. The Office of Residential Life will work with veterans to ensure that housing arrangements are appropriate to their needs.
Vassar provides advice and support through pre-major or major advisors, an advisor in the Office of the Dean of Studies dedicated to each class, and a counseling service staffed by trained professionals who help students, free of charge, with personal and academic issues.
Feel free to contact us with any veteran-related questions.
Vassar College is a proud partner of VetLink, a subsidiary of Service to School (S2S), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides free application counseling, peer-to-peer guidance, and networking support to all U.S. military service members and veterans at no cost to the applicant. Their goal is to help veterans gain admission to the best college for them while empowering each veteran to make informed decisions about their education.