Grants and scholarships do not have to be repaid.
Vassar awards $72 million annually in scholarships, funded by Vassar’s endowment, fundraising, and gifts.
Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
States Other Than New York
Please check with your home state’s higher education aid office for more information on grant options.
Outside funds can offer students greater financial flexibility by lessening employment obligations and/or reducing student loans.
Scholarship search resources include:
BigFuture: The College Board’s Scholarship Search
All financial aid recipients receive an allocation for either Federal Work-Study (federally funded) or Institutional Employment (Vassar-supplied employment funds).
Students with work-study awards receive priority in the job registration process. These awards may also apply for off-campus community service work-study (CSWS).
More than 1,600 students work on campus during the academic year. Many departments around campus hire students for a range of positions, from answering phones to providing tech support to conducting research and much more.
After the first month of each semester, remaining jobs are made available to non-financial aid students.
Students can earn up to $3,000 during the academic year, and most students work an average of seven hours per week.
Vassar will eliminate or reduce loans in the aid awards of students from low-income households.
Federal Direct Loans
Important Information:
Direct Parent PLUS Loans are government loans made available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. To qualify, a parent:
Important Information:
Alternative student loans are non-government loans from lenders such as banks, credit unions, and state agencies. The primary borrower can be the student, a parent, or a sponsor. When the student is the borrower, a co-signer is typically required. Before taking an alternative loan, we encourage families to exhaust all Federal Direct Student Loan options first.
Vassar College does not endorse or recommend any lenders in particular. Ultimately it is the family’s responsibility to research all options and select the one that best meets their needs. Visit ELM Select for a sampling of lenders used by Vassar students in recent years.
Interest rates, origination fees, and repayment terms vary across lenders. The maximum annual limit is the total cost of attendance (student budget) less any financial aid the student receives.