Vassar Vassar College

The Vassar Network

Two people, one with short white hair wearing a blue shirt and the other with short dark hair, wearing a dark shirt embrace each other at a crowded event.
A group of people in a procession wearing white clothing and multicolored scarves raise their hands in the air and smile at the viewer.

The Vassar community is global, connected, and powerful.

Whether you’re looking to reconnect with old friends, network with others in your field, seek or post job and internship opportunities, or benefit from the guidance and advice of others, the Vassar family is here for you. Stay connected using the tools below.

Two people, one person with long blond hair wearing a beige shirt and the other with very short dark hair and a light colored button down shirt, listening to someone speak off screen.

Join VassarNet

Join VassarNet, our private LinkedIn group dedicated to building professional networks between and among alums and current students of Vassar.

Within the group, you can post or apply for job opportunities, answer questions a student or alum may have that are within your field of expertise, or expand your own network by connecting with other alums.

Launch VassarNet


Stay connected with your fellow alums and foster lasting connections beyond the College’s gate.

Alum Directory

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