Bryan W. VanNorden

Professor and Chair of Philosophy on the James Monroe Taylor Chair

B.W. Van Norden has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD from Stanford University, both in philosophy. His primary area of specialization is Chinese philosophy, but he also has broad interests in Chinese literature and Western philosophy, including ethics.

BA, University of Pennsylvania; PhD, Stanford University
At Vassar since 1995


Rockefeller Hall
Box 310

Research and Academic Interests

Chinese Philosophy; Western Philosophy

Departments and Programs


CHJA 120 Introduction to Chinese and Japanese Literature
CHIN 360 Classical Chinese
PHIL 110 Early Chinese Philosophy
PHIL 210 Neo-Confucianism & Chinese Buddhism
PHIL 350 Modernism, Postmodernism, and Hermeneutics
PHIL 393 Reading the Analects of Confucius

Selected Publications

In the Media

Vassar Professor Bryan Van Norden was interviewed by the Philosophy Bakes Bread radio show and podcast.


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