Bryan W. Van Norden

B.W. Van Norden has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD from Stanford University, both in philosophy. His primary area of specialization is Chinese philosophy, but he also has broad interests in Chinese literature and Western philosophy, including ethics.
B.W. Van Norden has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD from Stanford University, both in philosophy. His primary area of specialization is Chinese philosophy, but he also has broad interests in Chinese literature and Western philosophy, including ethics. His most recent books are a translation anthology, Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy: Han to the 20th Century (2014), a textbook, Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy (2011), a translation, Mengzi with Selections from Traditional Commentaries (2008), a monograph, Virtue Ethics and Consequentialism in Early Chinese Philosophy (2007), a revised edition of a translation anthology that he co-edited and contributed to, Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy (2005), and a collection of essays that he edited and contributed to, Confucius and the Analects (2001).
It is unclear how he gets all this done, since by his own account all he does in his spare time is watch TV and teach his teenage kids to play poker.
Research and Academic Interests
Chinese Philosophy; Western Philosophy
Departments and Programs
CHJA 120 Introduction to Chinese and Japanese Literature
CHIN 360 Classical Chinese
PHIL 110 Early Chinese Philosophy
PHIL 210 Neo-Confucianism & Chinese Buddhism
PHIL 350 Modernism, Postmodernism, and Hermeneutics
PHIL 393 Reading the Analects of Confucius
Selected Publications
- Monograph. Van Norden, Bryan W. Taking Back Philosophy: A Multicultural Manifesto. Columbia University Press, 2017.
- Translation Anthology. Tiwald, Justin (Editor), and Van Norden, Bryan W. (Editor) Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy: Han to the 20th Century. Hackett Publishing Co, Inc. 2014.
- Textbook. Van Norden, Bryan W. Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy. Hackett Publishing Co, Inc. 2011.
- Translation. Mengzi, Mencius, Bryan W. Van NordenMengzi with Selections from Traditional Commentaries. Hackett Publishing Co, Inc. 2008.
In the Media
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