
The department offers courses in all aspects of the biological sciences from molecular biology through ecology and behavior, and from microorganisms through botany and zoology. Coursework includes laboratory and field experience, and independent study (which often involves working directly with a faculty member in his or her area of research). Students have access to modern technology and instrumentation: a scanning electron microscope, tissue culture laboratories, a cell and molecular biology laboratory suite, a large greenhouse, a vivarium, and the Vassar Farm with a 416-acre ecological preserve and a field station for environmental studies. Independent research is a prerequisite for departmental honors.

Professor and Chair of Biology
BS, Stonehill College; MS, PhD, University of Rochester
Lecturer in Biology
BS, The College of Saint Rose; PhD, University at Buffalo
Professor of Biology and Associate Faculty Director for Institutional Equity
BS, University of Winnipeg; MS, PhD, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Associate Professor of Biology
BS, Clemson University; MA, Brown University; MPH, Harvard University; PhD, Brown University
Senior Lecturer and Lab Coordinator in Biology
BS, MS, Rutgers University-New Brunswick; PhD, University of Kentucky
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
BA, Prescott College; MS, East Carolina University; PhD, Boston University
Associate Dean of the Faculty and Academic Resources and Professor of Biology on the Patricia Shoer Goldman-Rakic '59 Professorship Chair
BS, University of Georgia; MS, PhD, Georgia State University
Associate Professor of Biology
BS, University of Calgary; PhD, Saint Louis University-Main Campus
Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Neuroscience and Behavior
BA, Pomona College; MS, California State University-Long Beach; PhD, Purdue University-Main Campus
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
BS, Ohio State University-Main Campus; MS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; PhD, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Visiting Associate Professor of Biology
BS, Carnegie Mellon University; MS, PhD, New York University
Assistant Professor of Biology on the Mary Clark Rockefeller Chair
BS, Loyola University New Orleans; PhD, Boston University
Associate Professor of Biology
BA, Luther College; PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Lecturer in Biology
BA, Stony Brook University; MS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; PhD, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Professor of Biology and Professor and Chair of Cognitive Science on the John Guy Vassar Chair
BA, College of the Atlantic; PhD, Duke University
Assistant Professor of Biology
BS, University of New Mexico-Main Campus; PhD, University of California-San Diego
Associate Professor of Biology
BA, Oberlin College; BA, MS, University of California-Santa Cruz; PhD, Oregon State University
Associate Professor of Biology
BA, Earlham College; PhD, Washington University in St Louis
Professor of Biology on the J. P. Giraud, Jr. Chair
BS, College of William and Mary; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Associate Professor of Biology
BS, Willamette University; PhD, Boston University