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German Studies

German majors may concentrate either in German literature or German studies, choosing from course offerings in language, literature, and civilization. Options include study abroad at such universities as Universität Hamburg and Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, and independent, faculty-guided study. In addition, the department offers a correlate sequence. A senior thesis is a prerequisite for departmental honors.

Associate Professor and Chair of German Studies and Director of the Self-Instructional Language Program
BA, Universität Tubingen; MA, PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington
Dean of First -Year Students
MA, PhD, CUNY Graduate School and University Center
Visiting Assistant Professor of German Studies
MA, Rutgers University-New Brunswick; MA, Universität Wien; PhD, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Professor of German Studies, Faculty Director of Affirmative Action, and Director of Global Nineteenth-Century Studies
BA, Bates College; MA, PhD, Cornell University
Professor of German Studies
BA, University of Chicago; MA, PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington