International Studies
Multidisciplinary Program

The program provides a solid, systematic grounding in the study of global interdependence while allowing students to develop strengths in at least two traditional disciplines. In consultation with the program’s director, each student designs a program that builds a core of knowledge in the international social sciences, develops fluency in at least one foreign language, and includes upper-level work that may come from the sciences, humanities, or literature and arts. Students are encouraged to spend their junior year abroad. In addition, each year the program organizes a specialized study trip to an area of current interest. Treated as a semester course, students learn about the language, culture, and history of the area they will visit. Recent destinations have included Cuba, Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. Work in the final year includes a senior seminar in the program and the completion of a thesis.

Senior Lecturer in International Studies and Urban Studies and Director of International Studies
BA, PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Professor of Sociology
BA, University of Missouri-Kansas City; MA, PhD, The University of Texas at Austin
Professor of Education on the Dexter M. Ferry, Jr. Chair & Chair of Education and Coordinator of Teacher Education
BA, MA, Wesleyan University; PhD, Stanford University
Adjunct Professor of Multidisciplinary Studies and Director of Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies on the Pittsburgh Chair in the Humanities
BA, Wesleyan University; MA, University of Washington-Seattle Campus; PhD, New York University
Professor of History on the Shirley Ecker Boskey Chair
BA, SUNY College at Brockport; MA, University of Rhode Island; PhD, University of Kentucky
Professor of Political Science
BA, Lafayette College; MA, University of Delaware; PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Visiting Assistant Professor of Geography
BA, University of Toronto; MES, PhD, York University
Professor of Education and Coordinator of Secondary Teacher Education
BA, Boston University; MA, PhD, Columbia University in the City of New York
Professor of Political Science on the F. Thompson Chair
BA, Duke University; MIA, PhD, Columbia University in the City of New York
Professor of Economics on the Elizabeth Stillman Williams Chair
BA, University of Sussex; MPhil, PhD, Columbia University in the City of New York
Associate Professor of Anthropology
BA, Fisk University; PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington
Professor of Political Science on the Betty Goff Cook Cartwright Chair
BA, Osmania University; MA, MPhil, Jawaharlal Nehru University; PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Adjunct Assistant Professor of International Studies
BS, SUNY College at New Paltz; MA, PhD, CUNY Graduate School and University Center
Associate Professor of History
BA, The Evergreen State College; MA, PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington
Professor and Chair of History on the Marion Musser Lloyd '32 Chair
BA, University of Ghana; MA, Wilfrid Laurier University; PhD, McGill University
Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies
BA, University of Nairobi; MED, Western Washington University; PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Professor and Chair of Political Science
BA, Miami University-Oxford; MA, PhD, Cornell University
Professor of German Studies, Faculty Director for Institutional Equity, and Director of Global Nineteenth-Century Studies
BA, Bates College; MA, PhD, Cornell University
Professor of Political Science and Director of Asian Studies
BA, MA, Nankai University (南开大学); MA, PhD, University of Chicago
Professor of French and Francophone Studies
BA, Open University UK; BA, Denison University; MA, Miami University-Oxford; PhD, Northwestern University
Professor of Anthropology
BA, Harvard University; MA, PhD, University of Chicago
Associate Professor and Chair of German Studies and Director of the Self-Instructional Language Program
BA, Universität Tubingen; MA, PhD, Indiana University-Bloomington
Professor of Hispanic Studies
BA, MA, University of Kansas; PhD, Stony Brook University
Professor of Geography
BS, MS, Peking University (北京大学); PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities