Jenny Magnes

Jenny Magnes has researched various areas involving optics: diatomic spectroscopy of alkalis, quantum optics, molecular optics, opto-mechanical techniques, nano-structures and biophotonics. Jenny Magnes is interested in developing techniques that are beneficial during classroom interactions. She has also successfully involved undergraduates in her research and bringing research topics into the classroom. Jenny Magnes and her research group dove into investigating micro-organisms using optical techniques like scattering and various interference effects involve iridescence.
Currently, Jenny Magnes is investigating the locomotory predictability of microorganisms using non-linear dynamics in the field of chaos and complexity.
- PhD, Observation and Study of the 43Δg State in K2 and Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) with Emphasis on the Open Molecular System, Temple University, 2003. Advisor: Prof. Marjatta Lyyra
- MA, Physics, Temple University, 2000
- BS, Physics and Mathematics, Delaware State University, 1997
- BA, English, University of Maryland, 1995
Courses Taught
- Introductory Physics
- Laser Physics
- Modern Physics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Contemporary Optics
- Applied Quantum Mechanics (see student projects)
- Applied Optics (see student projects)
- Advanced Electromagnetism (see student projects)
- Research (Optics, Molecular Optics, Spectroscopy, Biophotonics, Non-linear Dynamics)
- Computational Physics
- Experimental Physics
Research Interests
Jenny Magnes has researched various areas involving optics: diatomic spectroscopy of alkalis, quantum optics, molecular optics, optomechanical techniques, nano-structures, and biophotonics. Jenny Magnes is interested in developing techniques that are beneficial during classroom interactions. She has also successfully involved undergraduates in her research and bringing research topics into the classroom. Jenny Magnes and her research group dove into investigating micro-organisms using optical techniques like scattering and various interference effects involve iridescence.
Currently, Jenny Magnes is investigating the locomotory predictability of microorganisms using non-linear dynamics in the field of chaos and complexity.
Research and Academic Interests
Chaos and Complexity
Diatomic Spectroscopy of Alkalis
Quantum Optics
Opto-Mechanical Techniques
Departments and Programs
PHYS 262 Intensive Topics in Physics
Selected Publications
Recent Publications
Jenny Magnes, Harold Hastings, Miranda Hulsey-Vincent*, Cheris Congo*, Kathleen Raley-Susman, Anshul Singhvi*, Tyler Hatch*, and Erik Szwed*. Chaotic markers in dynamic diffraction. Appl. Opt.,59(22):6642–6647, Aug 2020
Jenny Magnes and Kathleen Raley-Susman. Understanding Fourier transforms through intuition building. Conference Paper: ESERA’19, Bologna, Italy, Aug 2019
Jenny Magnes and Tyler Hatch*. Fourier transform spectroscopy in the visible range. Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College, Baltimore, MD, July 2018
Jenny Magnes, Cheris Congo*, Miranda Hulsey-Vincent*, HaroldHastings, and Kathleen Raley-Susman. Live C. elegans diffraction at a single point. Open Journal of Biophysics, 8:45–55, 2018
Jenny Magnes, Harold M. Hastings, Kathleen M. Raley-Susman, Clara Alivisatos*, Adam Warner*, and Miranda Hulsey-Vincent*.Fourier-based diffraction analysis of live Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 127(e56154), 2017
*indicates student author
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