Rui Manuel Pacheco Meireles

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Rui Pacheco Meireles wearing a navy collared shirt against a gray background.

Rui Meireles holds Computer Science PhD degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Porto. His research interests lie in the general areas of networking and distributed systems. His research is applied and experimental in nature: designing protocols, creating prototypes and evaluating them in realistic environments. He has focused mainly in the area of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. Vehicular networks wirelessly connect vehicles amongst themselves and with roadside infrastructure, with the goals of improving traffic safety and efficiency, as well as providing entertainment to passengers.

MS, Carnegie Mellon University; PhD, Universidade do Porto; PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
At Vassar since 2017


Sanders Physics
Box 235

Research and Academic Interests

Distributed Systems

Departments and Programs


CMPU 203 Computer Science III: Software Design and Implementation


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