Sole Anatrone

Sole Anatrone is an Assistant Professor of Italian Studies, whose research focuses on questions of gender and sexuality, race, migration, (post)colonialism and activism in cinema, literature and cultural studies. Her publications include: Queering Italian Media (Lexington Books, 2020); “Almeno non hai un nome da negra:” Race, Gender and National Belonging in Laila Wadia’s Amiche per la pelle. Gender/Sexuality/Italy Journal; “Disciplining Narratives and Damaged Identities in Rossana Campo’s Lezioni di arabo.” California Italian Studies; and the forthcoming “Why LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity Matters for Italian Studies,” chapter in Diversity in Italian Studies, ed. A. Tamburri, (New York: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute). She is a co-founder of Asterisk, a taskforce she founded with Julia Heim, that offers workshops to university faculty, students, and staff geared toward fostering LGBTQAI+ inclusivity inside and outside the classroom; she is on the steering committee of Vassar’s Women’s Studies Program and the Consortium on Forced Migration, and is a member of the advisory board to the Queer Studies Caucus of the American Association of Italian Studies. Sole Anatrone holds a PhD in Italian Studies and a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies from the University of California, Berkeley.
Box 65
Departments and Programs
- ITAL-205-01 Intermediate Italian I
- ITAL-305-01 Italophone African Narratives