Simona Bondavalli

Associate Professor and Chair of Italian on the Dante Antolini Chair

Simona Bondavalli has a Laurea Summa Cum Laude in English Language and Literature from the Università di Bologna (Italy). She received a PhD in Comparative Literature in 2003 from the University of Washington, where she had also received a master’s degree. Her research interests are in modern and contemporary literature and film, in particular the transition from modern to post-modern aesthetics, student movements, and counterculture, the works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Beats, and youth studies. Her articles on Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italian political cinema, and mafia movies have appeared in MLNItalicaCalifornia Italian Studies, and in several edited volumes. She is the author of Fictions of Youth: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Adolescence, Fascisms (University of Toronto Press: 2015). She teaches courses on Italian language and culture, food studies, contemporary cinema, and twentieth-century literature.

BA, Università di Bologna; MA, PhD, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
At Vassar since 2004


Chicago Hall
Box 121
Tuesday 1:00pm-3:00pm, Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am

Departments and Programs


ITAL 105 Elementary Italian
ITAL 306 Reading Rodari: Revolutionary Rhymes, Telephone Tales, Fantastical Grammar


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