William Hoynes

Professor of Sociology on the Jane Baker Nord '42 Chair
William Hoynes wearing a black collared shirt with a gray background.

William Hoynes is Professor of Sociology on the Jane Baker Nord ’42 Chair in Media Studies. Professor Hoynes served as Vassar’s Dean of the Faculty from 2019 to 2024. During his time as Dean, Hoynes hired more than 50 new tenure-track faculty members, served as co-principal investigator on several major institutional grants, and co-chaired the college’s pandemic response committee VassarTogether. Prior to his term as Dean, Hoynes served as Chair of the Sociology Department and Director of both the American Studies Program and the Media Studies Program. He received his PhD in Sociology from Boston College and joined Vassar’s Sociology Department in 1992. Professor Hoynes is a cultural sociologist whose research explores contemporary media and culture in the United States, with a special focus on professional journalism, the structure of the media industry, consumer culture, and practices of democratic citizenship. 

BA, Tufts University; MA, PhD, Boston College
At Vassar since 1992


Blodgett Hall
Box 552

Research and Academic Interests

Media and Society
Sociology of Culture
Social Theory
Youth Sports

Departments and Programs


AMST 313 Multidisciplinary Research Methods
MEDS 385 Media and War
SOCI 256 Mass Media and Society
SOCI 265 News Media in the U.S.
SOCI 365 Class, Culture, and Power

Selected Publications

Professor Hoynes is the author or co-author of many books and articles, including the following:

Recent Scholarly Articles


In the Media

Interior of Chapel with the audience for Convocation

Convocation officially kicked off the academic year on August 31. The Convocation address, “How I Got Medieval: From First Gen to PhD,” was delivered by Professor of History Nancy Bisaha.


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