
Robots and Friendships Competition Winners

Twenty students in Assistant Professor Joshua deLeeuw’s Cognitive Science 320 class designed and built their own autonomous robots. Emmett, a robot that wasn’t working until the very end of the semester, rose to the occasion at Vassar’s annual Autonomous Robot Design Competition.

A person with straight gray hair, a necklace of shiny black stones, and an indigo jacket smiles at the camera

Vassar College recently hosted a three-part webinar titled “Innovation in Higher Education: Building Capacity for Inclusive Leadership” that featured conversations with people in the academic and business worlds. All agreed that transforming global society into a more equitable one will require today’s students to engage in a broad, liberal arts education.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Krystle McLaughlin sitting at a table in front of microphones

Students, administrators, alums, and others in the Vassar community enjoyed a plethora of events in observation of Black History Month, included  exhibitions, a panel on STEM-related fields, a dinner, and an update of the Buildings and Belonging project, focused on the history of African Americans on campus.

Group of students sitting on and in an off-road pickup truck

A gift from Patrick and Tamar Smith Pichette ’86 will support a new conservation fellowship for a Vassar alum who will work at a Canadian wilderness preserve and then return to The Preserve at Vassar to assist with research, environmental monitoring and land management.