Two Vassar students have been awarded scholarships from the Obama Foundation, which provided two years of college costs and $10,000 for a summer project in public service.
Architectural drawings and personal papers of the late Jeh Vincent Johnson, a renowned architect who taught architectural design at Vassar, were donated to Vassar by his family and are now housed in the College’s Archives and Special Collections Library.
More than 257 Vassar students and 107 alum mentors spent the weekend of January 17–19 exploring career opportunities at the College’s 11th annual Sophomore Careers Connections.
Four Vassar seniors who held various jobs at the Frances Lehman Loeb Center since their first year on campus demonstrated their expertise at a prestigious art event in Venice.
After 50 years of service, Vassar’s longest-running Class Correspondent, Marian Heath Mundy ’51, is putting down her pen. We salute her fierce dedication and the levity she has brought to Class Notes.
Vassar students recently attended a screening of the critically acclaimed debut film Good One, directed by India Donaldson ’07. One New York Times critic deemed it among the 10 best films of 2024.
Political Science major Michelle Itkin ’26 and Associate Professor of Political Science Taneisha Means hosted a daylong conference on what happened in the 2024 elections and where we go from here.
Virginia “Ginnie” Cretella Mars ʼ51, Pʼ82, GPʼ04, ʼ07, a cherished member of the Vassar community, passed away on September 1, 2024. Survived by her four daughters, 11 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren, she’s remembered for her spirit of kindness and dedication to others.