Ten Vassar students spent the summer working for not-for-profit organizations in Poughkeepsie under the auspices of the Office of Community-Engaged Learning’s Community Fellows program.
Three years after a global pandemic interrupted their normal college experience, members of Vassar’s Class of 2023 were lauded for their remarkable resiliency at the College’s 159th Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 21.
Twenty students in Assistant Professor Joshua deLeeuw’s Cognitive Science 320 class designed and built their own autonomous robots. Emmett, a robot that wasn’t working until the very end of the semester, rose to the occasion at Vassar’s annual Autonomous Robot Design Competition.
The Engaged Pluralism Race and Racism in Historical Collections Working Group hosted an event three days before Founder’s Day that asked members of the Vassar community to examine the racist elements that were present during Founders Day’s in the past.
Vassar College recently hosted a three-part webinar titled “Innovation in Higher Education: Building Capacity for Inclusive Leadership” that featured conversations with people in the academic and business worlds. All agreed that transforming global society into a more equitable one will require today’s students to engage in a broad, liberal arts education.