The Chemistry Department has modest funds available to support student research and travel to conferences. Please contact the chair of the department regarding these funds.
Chemistry faculty and students carry out experiments using an extensive array of state-of-the-art instrumentation for molecular structure determination, spectroscopy, chromatography, and other specialized techniques. Significant instrumentation in the department includes a charge-coupled device (CCD) dual source X-ray diffractometer used to determine the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules, and an atomic force microscope (AFM) used to measure interactions between biological molecules. Other recent acquisitions include a new 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer used to determine the structure of organic molecules and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for analysis of nanomaterials.

- FPLC: GE AKTA pure 25 M1 Goldseal system with sample pump and fraction collector
- GC: Agilent 6890 (with ECD & FID Detectors); Agilent 8860 (with FID detector); Gow-Mac Series 580 (3)
- GC/MS: Agilent MS 5975, GC 7890
- GPC: Agilent Technology 1260 with variable wavelength, refractive index and viscometry detectors
- HPLC: Agilent Technology/1200 Complete System with Diode Array Detector; Agilent Technology/ 1100 Complete System with Diode Array Detector; Agilent Technology/1200 with autosampler and Agilent 1100 HPLC with autosampler
- IC: Dionex ICS 6000
Computational Resources

A variety of high-performance computing resources are available, including cloud resources such as Amazon Web Services, on-campus resources such as our high performance computing cluster (consisting of two SuperMicro nodes (48 CPUs per node, 64 GB RAM) and five Dell EMC nodes (128 CPUs per node, 512 GB RAM)), and support in obtaining computing resources through ACCESS-CI.
Crystal X-Ray Diffraction

Bruker APEX2 DUO platform X-ray diffractometer (with Monocap X-ray waveguide, Cu IuS microsource, APEX II charge-couple device (CCD) detector and Oxford liquid nitrogen cryostream).
- Solartron 1255B/S11287 Electrochemical systems
- BASi CGME CV-50W Potentiostat/electrode
- EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 264A Polarographic Analyzer Stripping Voltameter
- EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 303A SMDE Voltameter
- EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 362 Scanning Potentiostat
- Pine Research WaveDriver 20 Bipotentiostat with rotating ring disk electrode

- NMR: Bruker Avance III 400 MHz with sample case (24 sample)
- UV/VIS: Hewlett-Packard 8452A; Agilent Technologies (2) 8453 (diode array); Agilent Technologies Cary 100 with temperature control and cell changer
- FTIR: Thermo Nicolet iS50 with built-in ATR; Thermo iS10
- Fluorescence: PTI Quantmaster QM-40
- Circular Dichroism (CD): Applied Photo Physics Chirascan
- Raman: Thermo Scientific DXR
- IC ICP MS: Thermo Scientific iCapRQ (with autosampler) coupled to a Thermo ICS5000 (with autosampler) for speciation
- DMA: Milestone DMA-80 evo Tricell Double beam mercury analyzer
- XRF: Bruker Tracer III-V handheld
- Polarimeter: Rudolph Autopol III

- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): Hitachi S5000
- Atomic Force Microscope (AFM): Veeco Multimode Nanoscope 3A
- Thermal Analysis: Shimadzu DSC-50 and TGA-50; Parr 1455 Calorimeter (2)
- Imager: Cytiva Amersham Typhoon laser scanner platform (shared equipment with Biology department)
- Plate readers: Agilent BioTek EPOCH 2; Agilent BioTek Synergy NEO2 (with dual-reagent injector and TAKE3 microvolume plate; shared equipment with Biology department)
- Gel Documentation System: Bio Rad ChemiDoc
- Refrigerated Centrifuge: Sorvall Lynx 4000
- Refrigerated shaking incubator: Thermo MaxQ5000
- Shaking incubator: Thermo MaxQ4000
- Plate Incubators: Isotemp Fisher Scientific (2)
- Gel electrophoresis units: Horizon and BioRad (10) and power supplies BioRad (5) Powerpac 300 and Powerpac 3000
- Glove box: Vacuum Atmospheres Company Omni Lab; Vigor Technologies
- Anaerobic chamber: Coy Labs Type B
- Solvent purification system: Chembly SPS-6
- Block digestion system: SCP Science Digiprep Jr.
- Magenitic susceptibility balance: JM Auto