2024–2025 Interns

Ella Albrecht ’25

Office Hours:
Monday: 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Hi! I’m Ella Albrecht (she/her), one of the International Studies interns for this year. My IS concentrations are History and Political Science, and I am also a French Studies major and Dance Performance correlate. As you can probably tell, I have taken a wide variety of courses, even beyond the disciplines listed above… which is the beauty of IS! I studied abroad in Paris with full language immersion in Fall 2023, and I would be happy to talk about my experiences or practice French. I have been a member of Lath and Davi House Teams as a Student Fellow and HSA. Most of my non-academic endeavors on campus involve VRDT. I love the Vassar dance community!

If you have any inquiries about the IS major or really anything about Vassar courses and student life, please reach out to me at ealbrecht@vassar.edu or come to office hours. I am also happy to set up a 1:1 meeting in person or on zoom.

Simon Lewis ’25

Office hours: Old Laundry Building common space 
Wednesday: 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. 
Thursday: 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Hey everyone—I’m one of the IS interns this year! Would love to talk to you all, both to learn about how you see the world and to share with you any support that I can. I’m concentrating in Poli Sci and History, and I’ve got a few credits in Hispanic, Africana, Latin American/Latine, Environmental, and Indigenous Studies. I studied abroad in Valparaíso, Chile last spring/summer through the Middlebury program, which allowed me to directly enroll in a Chilean university and do an internship with a local non-profit. I also spent a summer working on my Spanish in Cusco, Perú, funded by Vassar’s Cornelisen grant. I’d be happy to talk about study abroad options, ways to access Vassar resources (funding/affordability/accessibility), and Latin America. Lots of what I do at Vassar is also focused on the local though; I’m a leader/founder of EngagePK, on the Engaged Pluralism committee about Vassar & Poughkeepsie, and have worked with different Poughkeepsie nonprofits (once for a summer as an OCEL Community Fellow). I used to work on the Preserve, and I love beavers, birds, and butterflies. And if none of this sounds relevant to you, I might have a friend that can be helpful or knowledgeable! Please come by and chat with me, or send me a quick email at srlewis@vassar.edu and we can find a time to chat outside of my hours! Doesn’t have to be official business, could even be to exchange music recs or talk about the experiences of different seniors.