Disability-related Accommodations
Vassar College strives to make its facilities and events accessible to all members of the community and its guests. For information about services or to request disability-related accommodations, please contact us. Requests for accommodations or services should be made as far in advance as possible.
Wheelchair Accessibility

The Hallie Flanagan Davis Powerhouse Theater, the Susan Stein Shiva Theater, and the Martel Theater in the Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film are wheelchair accessible. Thirty minutes before show time, ushers are available to assist patrons to their seats or wheelchair accessible locations. It is recommended that patrons who do not use a wheelchair but who may need assistance to their seats bring a friend or companion along to assist them. For patrons who wish to transfer to a seat from their wheelchair, we will store your wheelchair in the front lobby. Please note that staff, volunteers, and ushers are not able to assist patrons in transferring or to provide personal attendant services.
Parking spaces for persons with disabilities are available in front of the Powerhouse Theater, Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film parking lot, Sanders Classroom parking lot, and in visitor parking lots located throughout campus. For information on campus parking, visit the campus map.
Wheelchair accessible restrooms are available in the Powerhouse Theater, the Susan Stein Shiva Theater, and the Martel Theater in the Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film.
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices (FM System) are available for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the Powerhouse Theater, the Susan Stein Shiva Theater, and the Martel Theater in the Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film. Clean earphones will be provided with all the Assistive Listening Devices, but personal headphones/earbuds are compatible with the ALDs and are suggested for individual comfort level. Please see a ticket representative in the main lobby upon your arrival to arrange for the use of an Assistive Listening Device. You will be required to leave valid identification such as a driver’s license as collateral. There is no charge for this service.
Sign Language
Sign language interpreters or oral interpretation are available upon request with at least two weeks notice, and will be provided based on the availability of a qualified interpreter. For more information or to request services, please contact the Campus Activities Office at (845) 437-5370.
Text Telephone (TTY)
Public telephones equipped with volume controls and a TTY is available in the front lobby of Main Building. Speech impaired, deaf and hard of hearing individuals, who have access to a TTY machine, may call the New York Relay Center at 711 or (800) 421-1220 or your local TTY Relay Center. The New York or local Relay Center will then place your call to us and we will be happy to communicate with you through the relay service. There is no additional charge for this service from the New York or local Relay Center or Vassar College.
Large Print or Braille Playbills
Playbills are available in alternative formats including large print and Braille upon request with at least two weeks notice. Please call the Campus Activities Office at (845) 437-5370.