In Translation: Prints Across Media
May 28–September 18, 2022

Color softground etching with drypoint and chine collé,
Purchase, gift of Mrs. Frederick Ferris Thompson,
by exchange, 2021.6.2
In Translation: Prints Across Media reframes reproductive printmaking—often dismissed as mechanical or derivative—as a form of active interpretation by putting historical prints in dialogue with modern and contemporary art. In the 1960s, Pop artists like Andy Warhol and R.B. Kitaj sourced their imagery from mass media—advertisements, newspapers, comic books, or publicity photographs—challenging conventional notions of originality and authenticity. Contemporary sculptors, painters, musicians, filmmakers, and fabric artists collaborate with master printers to realize concepts first explored in other media. This exhibition showcases innovative examples of art “in translation,” crossing disciplinary boundaries while embracing printmaking’s unique qualities and resources.