Terrence Cullen

Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies

Terrence Cullen specializes in the literature and music of the French and Occitan Middle Ages and in the field of sound studies. He is currently at work on a book manuscript, Echo’s Vengeance, on the cultural politics of listening in medieval French literature. Support for this project has been provided by the American Council of Learned Societies, NYU’s Center for the Humanities, and the Remarque Institute. His work on medieval literature and historical sound studies has appeared or is forthcoming in French Studies, Romanic Review, New Medieval Literatures, Neophilologus, and Dix-Neuf.

At Vassar, he teaches all levels of French language, from elementary to advanced courses on grammar and translation, as well as premodern literature and culture (including, recently, “Monsters and Marvels, Medieval to Modern” and “Making Love in the Middle Ages: Sex, Desire, and Gender in Medieval French Literature”). With the Medieval Academy of America, he has also led an intensive summer course on Old French for graduate students.

BA, Amherst College; MPhil, University of Cambridge; PhD, New York University
At Vassar since 2023


Chicago Hall
Box 603
Thursday 3:30–5:30 p.m.

Selected Publications

“Aural Anti-Judaism in the Épître farcie de la Saint-Étienne,” French Studies 80.2 (forthcoming)

“Objecting to Edison: Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville’s Problem with the Phonograph,” Dix-Neuf 28.3–4 (forthcoming)

“The Sense(s) of Medieval French,” Romanic Review 114.3 (2023)

“John of Howden’s Rossignos and the Sounds of Francophone Devotion,” New Medieval Literatures (2020)


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