Jacob Erickson
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Jacob Erickson is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Vassar College. His research centers on understanding online communities and how online design features shape digital discourses in a sociopolitical context. His work mixes a human-computer interaction emphasis with data science methods.
AA, Shoreline Community College; BA, University of Washington-Bothell Campus; MS, Northeastern University; PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology
At Vassar since 2024
Sanders Physics
Box 153
Box 153
Mondays and Wednesdays, 3–5 p.m. (Tentative)
Research and Academic Interests
- Online Communities
- Social Computing
- Digital Communication
- Data Science
- Human-Computer Interaction
Departments and Programs
CMPU 101—Problem-Solving and Abstraction
CMPU 241—Analysis of Algorithms
Selected Publications
- Erickson Jacob., Yan B. (2024). Affective Design: The Influence of Facebook Reactions on the Emotional Expression of the 114th US Congress. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 24’).
- Erickson, Jacob. (2024). Rethinking the filter bubble? Developing a research agenda for the protective filter bubble. Big Data & Society, 11(1), 20539517241231276.
- Erickson, Jacob., Yan, B., & Huang, J. (2023). Bridging Echo Chambers? Understanding Political Partisanship through Semantic Network Analysis. Social Media+ Society, 9(3), 20563051231186368.
- Erickson, Jacob., Yuzon, J. Y., & Bonaci, T. (2022). What you do not expect when you are expecting: Privacy analysis of Femtech. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 3(2), 121–131.
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