
A Special Thanks To Our Generous Donors

Vassar Drama Department Ticket Fund

  • The Vassar Ticket Fund (VTF) is funded by a generous anonymous donor and facilitates the Vassar community’s attendance of theatrical performances both on Broadway, off-Broadway and regionally in an effort to expand on coursework.

Ronni Kleinman ’68 Costume Fund/Holly Hummel Fund for the Historic Costume Collection

  • Kleinman: Fund for the refurbishment and maintenance of costumes for the Drama Department.

  • Hummel: Created by Miss Hummel, Emeritus of Drama, in order to fund resources needed to maintain and exhibit objects from the VC Costume Collection.

Joan Kostick Andrews fund for Musical Theater and Visiting Artists

  • To support a part-time musical/stage director for musical theater productions in the Department of Drama and Music.

Julia Hansen Guest Speaker Fund

  • Bring guest speakers and/ or lectures to campus at the discretion of the Dept. of Chair and the Faculty of the Drama Dept

Martha W. Farmer Visiting Artist Program

  • The purpose of this expendable grant is for visiting artist program, discussion with summer programs & Drama Dept

Emily M. Scheuer Shakespeare Theater fund

  • To establish an internship for a student to participate in Washington D.C Shakespeare theater internship program.

Eliot Safirstein ‘83 Memorial Fund

  • The purpose of this endowed fund is to help defray the costs associated with student-directed productions, supervised by faculty within the drama department's experimental theatre season.

Genevieve Kenny Memorial Fund

  • The purpose of this fund is to bring a professional stage manager to campus annually, or as funds allow, to conduct a series of workshops. Mrs. Kenny was the longtime department Administrative Assistant.

Marilyn Swartz Seven ‘69 Annual Playwriting Award

  • Awarded every spring to a Junior or Senior in any discipline who submits the best original play.

Bill Miller Theatrical Fund

  • Fund has been created as an expendable fund to bring theatrical design focused lectures, workshops and/or master classes to campus.

Molly Thatcher Kazan Memorial Prize

  • Established by her friends from the Class of 1928 in memory of Molly Thacher Kazan, this prize is awarded to drama majors who have produced a particularly creative piece of work in the theatre arts.

Evelyn Olive Hughes Prize in Drama and Film

  • Awarded to an outstanding junior drama major for a summer study of acting abroad.

Evert Sprinchorn venue sponsorship