Belonging and Thriving at Vassar
Vassar is committed to working toward a more just, diverse, equitable, and inclusive college community where all members are valued and are fully empowered to claim a place in-and responsibility for-working, living, and learning together.
We believe that social difference is an essential aspect of a strong community. Collaborating across such differences, a concept at the very core of Vassar’s values, is necessary for social transformation and critical for the well-being of any community and its members. At the same time, we realize that conflicts around social differences arise from time to time in any diverse community. When students are affected by incidents related to their social identities, the Social Identity Harm (SIH) Team of advocates can provide support and gather data for further understanding. lf any conduct rises to a potential hate crime, unlawful discrimination, harassment, or violation of college expectations, the case will also be referred to law enforcement, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, or another appropriate campus office.
When any incident or series of incidents adversely influences the campus climate, the College will update the college community and the steps to repair the harm. These updates and steps will be collected here.
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