Declaring a Sociology Major or Correlate

It is recommended that prospective Sociology Majors take Sociology 151 and/or an intermediate level class in Sociology before declaring the major. Students are encouraged to discuss the major requirements with their current or former instructor(s) and/or the department chair. The Sociology Intern is also available to provide a student perspective on the major.

How are major advisors assigned? It is appropriate to ask a Sociology faculty member or the chair whether they are available to serve as a major advisor, and the department will take each student’s preference into consideration. The student fills out an Intent to Major/Advisor Request form (department specific) and the department assigns the new major a faculty advisor. The advisor works with the student to outline a course of study that takes into consideration study abroad plans, requirements, and any transfer credits. To declare a correlate in Sociology follow the same process as above.

Official declaration forms can be found on the Registrar’s page. Your advisor and the chair will sign the forms. Note that if you are declaring a second major the forms are different and require approvals (as above) from Sociology and the second department in question. 

Intent to Major Form