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Heroic America: James Daugherty’s Mural Drawings from the 1930s

This exhibition marked the first presentation of the artist’s work as a mural painter. One of the goals of this exhibition and the catalogue have been to alter the existing assumption that Daugherty produced relatively few murals during his life and that his participation in the American mural movement of the 1930s was therefore of little consequence.

Foreword by James Mundy; Preface and Acknowledgments and Essay by Rebecca Lawton

84 pages, 10 color illustrations; softbound

Exhibition: April 3–June 7, 1998


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Make checks payable to Vassar College.

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The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center
124 Raymond Ave
Vassar College
Box 703
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-00703

(845) 437-5237

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Poughkeepsie, NY 12604
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