Offices A B C D E F G H I J L M P R S U V W A Academic Departments and ProgramsAcademic Computing Services (ACS)Accessibility and Educational OpportunityAccounting Services and Accounts PayableAdmissionAdvancement Jeh Vincent Johnson ALANA Cultural CenterAlumnae HouseArchives and Special Collections LibraryArt LibraryAthletics and Physical EducationAlumnae/i Association of Vassar College (AAVC) B Board of Trustees Budgets and Planning C Campus ActivitiesCampus DiningCard OfficeCareer Development and Pre-Law AdvisingCase Management, Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)Class Advisers CommunicationsCommunity-Engaged LearningComputing and Information SystemsCopy CenterCounseling ServiceCreative Arts Across Disciplines D Dean of First-Year StudentsDean of Strategic Planning and Academic ResourcesDean of Student Living and WellnessDean of Studies Dean of the CollegeDean of the FacultyDomestic Leave Programs E Engaged Pluralism ProgramEnvironmental Cooperative at the Vassar Barns Exploring Transfer Program F Facilities OperationsFaculty Housing and Academic FacilitiesFellowshipsFinance and Administration First-generation, Low Income (FLI) Program (formerly the Transitions Program)Ford ScholarsFrances Lehman Loeb Art Center G General AccountingGeneral Stores and Central Receiving Grants Office H Health Promotion and EducationHealth Service House AdvisorsHuman Resources I Infant and Toddler CenterInstitutional EquityInstitutional Research International ProgramsInternational Student Services J Jeh Vincent Johnson ALANA Cultural Center L Learning, Teaching and Research CenterLGBTQ Center LibrariesLifelong Learning Institute M Mail Room Music Library P PayrollPhysical Education and AthleticsPowerhouse Summer Theater and Training Programs Pre-Health AdvisingPresidentProcurement R RegistrarReligious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative Practices Residential LifeThe Residential Operations Center (ROC)Restorative Practices S Safety and SecurityService DeskSupport, Advocacy, and Violence Prevention (SAVP)Strategic Planning and Academic Resources, Dean of Student Financial ServicesStudent Growth and EngagementSustainability T First-generation, Low Income (FLI) Program (formerly the Transitions Program) U Undergraduate Research Summer Institute (URSI) V Vassar College StoreVassar Education Collaboration Vassar HistorianThe Vassar Preserve W Wimpfheimer Nursery School Women’s Center