Except where noted, originals are housed at Vassar College. Many items in this exhibit are facsimiles.

Case 1: Acting
26 October 1914: Princess Daisy of Pretentia in the 1914 Sophomore Party
- Program
- Party invitation from the Class of 1917 to the Class
- of 1918
- Photograph of Millay and fellow actors by Edmond L. Wolven
27 February 1915 : Sylvette in Edmond Rostand’s “Les Romanesques,” French Club play
- Program
- Photograph of Millay and fellow actors by Edmond L. Wolven
5 March 1915: Eugene Marchbanks in George Bernard Shaw’s “Candida,” 2nd Hall play
- Program
- 1915 Vassarion
11 October 1915: Marie de France in “The Pageant of Athena,” 50th Anniversary performance
- Program
- Photograph of Millay and fellow actors by Edmond L. Wolven
11 March 1916: Deirdre in John Millington Synge’s “Deirdre of the Sorrows,” 2nd Hall play
- Program
- 1916 Vassarion
9 December 1916: Vigdis in John Masefield’s “The Locked Chest,” one of three pieces given as the 1st Hall Play
- Program
- Photograph of Millay and fellow actors by Edmond L. Wolven
- “First Hall Pay,” Poughkeepsie Enterprise, 11 December 1916
Case 2: Writing
“Druid’s Chant” and “Song of the Nations”
- Sophomore Tree Ceremonies program, May 1915
- Vassarion, 1917
- Vassar College, Class Song Book, 1917
- “ Pageant of Nations,” Poughkeepsie Enterprise,” 10 May 1915
- Vassar Miscellany Monthly, July 1914
- A Book of Vassar Verse, volume of reprints from the Vassar Miscellany Monthly, 1916
“The Suicide”
- Vassar Miscellany Monthly, April 1916
- A Book of Vassar Verse, volume of reprints from the Vassar Miscellany Monthly, 1916
- Vassar Quarterly, July 1916
“Why Did I Ever Come to This Place?”
- Vassar Miscellany Monthly, December 1916
- A Book of Vassar Verse, volume of reprints from the Vassar Miscellany Monthly, 1916
“The Wall of Dominoes”
- Vassar Miscellany Monthly, May 1917
“The Patient Periodical”
- Vassar Miscellany Weekly, 12 May 1916
- Freshman Handbook, 1917
- Vassar College, Class Song Book, 1917
“What Though the Wind”
- Senior Parlor Opening program, October 1916
- “Entertain in Senior Parlor,” Poughkeepsie Eagle, 16 October 1916
Baccalaureate Hymn of the Class of 1917
- Baccalaureate Service program, including broadside, June 1917
- Vassar Quarterly, July 1917
Case 3: The Vassar Workshop
- Program for Selma Lageröf’s “The Christmas Guest,”
- 16 December 1916
- “Try Out Vassar Plays on Vassar,” Poughkeepsie Eagle,
- 18 December 1916
- Program for Millay’s “The Princess Marries the Page,”
- 12 May 1917
- “More Work-Shop Plays at Vassar,” Poughkeepsie Eagle,
- 10 May 1917
- Millay’s The Princess Marries the Page, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1932
- Syllabus for Gertrude Buck’s “Class in Technique of the Drama,” Vassar College Drama Department Scrapbook, undated
- Gertrude Buck, Vassar Workshop,” reprinted from the Vassar Quarterly, May 1917
On the Mantel: Academics
- “Requirements for Entrance to Vassar College,” Records of the Class of 1917
- Letter from Millay to Dean Ella McCaleb, 7 July 1913
- Letter from Dean McCaleb to Millay, 9 July 1913
- Letter from Millay to Dean McCaleb, 12 July 1913
- Millay’s history entrance exam, September 1913
- Note by Professor Mildred Thompson recalling her impressions of Millay, 27 July 1951
- Letter from Millay to President McCracken regarding her sister Kathleen, 15 November 1917
- List of Millay’s courses at Vassar
- Letter from President McCracken to the faculty regarding the question of Millay participating in the graduation ceremony, 7 June 1917
- Letter from Dean McCaleb to Cora Millay regarding Millay being denied graduation privileges, 13 June 1917 (original held by the Library of Congress)
- Elizabeth Hazelton Haight’s “Vincent at Vassar,” Vassar Alumnae Magazine, May 1951
- Letter to the Editor from Charlotte Babcock Sills recounting her memories of the incident that led to Millay participating in the graduation ceremony, Vassar Alumnae Magazine, December 1960
Table: Faces & Places
Vassar Student Photograph Albums
Album # 200, Horatia Owens, circa 1913-1917
- Several images of Lydia Babbott at Vassar and at home
- Sophomore Party, 1914
- Tree ceremonies, 1915
Album # 225, Clarence Hunter, circa 1914-1916
- 2 photographs of Dorothy Coleman
- President H. N. MacCracken making a speech on Founder’s Day
Album # 256, Helen Shaw Tatnall, circa 1912-1916
- Millay arm in arm with a Elaine Ralli
Album # 245, unidentified creator, undated
- Agnes Rogers in costume for 1915’s tree ceremonies
- View from the top floor of Josselyn Hall
Album # 287, unidentified creator, circa 1919
- McGlynn’s Cottage
Album # 300, unidentified creator, circa 1914-1918
- Dean Ella McCaleb
Vassar College Photograph Files
- C . Mildred Thompson
- Lucy Salmon
- Gertrude Buck and Laura Wylie
Millay Papers at the Library of Congress
- Millay with some “Vassar friends,” circa 1915
On the Walls
- Cropped E. L. Wolven photographs of Millay as Marchbanks in “Candida” and Vigdis in “The Locked Chest”
- Winning the song contest with “The Patient Periodical,” 1917 Vassarion
- E.L Wolver photograph of 1917’s senior parlor