Generations of Vassar alumnae/i gathered for Reunion 2017 on June 9–11, reconnecting with old friends and meeting alumnae/i and students across the decades. More than 1,800 alumnae/i and guests attended.

Dinners, receptions, tours, classes, and a myriad of other events proved to be popular—as were the annual parade and Celebration of Vassar, where Reunion classes cheered the raising of more than $13.7 million for Vassar and its students, including an impressive $5.4 million by the landmark class of 1967. As part of the Celebration of Vassar, the Alumnae and Alumnae/i of Vassar College (AAVC) also convened its Annual Meeting and the alumnae/i body voted on a new slate of members and officers.
Before the parade, AAVC held its Volunteer Breakfast, honoring class, club, Reunion, fundraising, and class notes volunteers, among others. Deborah Macfarlan Enright ’82, Vice President for Strategic Planning for AAVC, was the featured speaker at the event. “It’s simple,” she told attendees. “We need you. We absolutely depend on you. We can’t do any of this without you. It all matters, doesn’t it? The phone calls, the meetings, the postings, the planning, it matters so very much. And it’s about our years here, the loves, the longings, the laughter, and the tears. It’s about preserving what we knew and progressing to what we need to be. It’s about you and me and this place—our place, Vassar.”
Perhaps the same can be said about Reunion. It is about the loves, the longings, the laughter—and recapturing the memories of time spent at Vassar.
See even more Reunion photos here.