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Oct. 7, 2020
A thought-provoking collection of short talks by Vassar faculty on a variety of intriguing topics is now available on demand through the Vassar Classroom Revisited.
Jan. 3, 2020
Sarah Kozloff, Professor of Film on the William R. Kenan, Jr. Chair, spent the first 57 years of her life not considering herself creative and not writing novels. Less than seven years later, she’s written four of them.
Dec. 13, 2019
Vassar alumna Diana Pearson ’78 has donated more than 80 manuscripts and other material from her late husband’s rare book and manuscript collection to Special Collections at Thompson Library. Some students in a medieval history class spent an hour viewing one of the manuscripts, and more students and scholars will benefit from the generous donation in the future.
Nov. 21, 2019
Students in a first-year writing seminar learn how modern X-ray technology helps art historians study paintings that are more than five centuries old.
Aug. 27, 2019
Learning that setbacks are an integral part of research, about 60 Vassar students took part in projects this summer on the auspices of the Undergraduate Research Summer Institute (URSI) and Ford Scholars programs.
Apr. 5, 2019
“Quiet as It’s Kept: Passing Subjects, Contested Identities,” a scholarly conference on “passing,” held April 5-7 on the Vassar College campus, advanced the dialog about racial, ethnic, and gender identity in substantial ways.
Mar. 28, 2019
Students in a Medieval and Renaissance Studies Class spent a morning hurling balls of clay at a kiddie pool, learning the workings of a medieval weapon, a trebuchet.
Sep. 27, 2017
Inspired by Associate Prof. of History Leslie Offutt to pursue a career in academia, Alberto Wilson III ’16 is pursuing a PhD in history at the University of Houston.
May. 5, 2017
Professor of Religion Marc Epstein and students in his course, Venice, the Jews, and the World, spent Spring Break exploring the Venetian Ghetto where Jews were required to live from 1516 until 1797 when they were liberated by Napoleon’s army.