Beyond Vassar

Books and Exhibits


Fifty Celebrate Fifty book cover
Fifty Celebrate Fifty book cover
Fifty Celebrate Fifty: Fifty Extraordinary Women Talk About Facing, Turning, and Being Fifty
Featuring Linda Fairstein ’69, Paula Williams Madison ’74, and Meryl Streep ’71
Meredith Books, 2002

Melting Pots & Rainbow Nations: Conversations about Difference in the United States and South Africa
By Jacklyn Cock and Alison Bernstein ’69
University of Illinois Press, 2002

A Slightly Different Light: Exploring Marginalized Issues and Forces in American Silent Film
Edited by Gregg Bachman ’78 and Thomas J. Slater
Southern Illinois University Press, 2002

My Museum Journal: A Writing and Sketching Book
By Shelly Kale and Lisa Vihos ’81
The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2000

Othermindedness: The Emergence of Network Culture
By Michael Joyce, associate professor of English
University of Michigan Press, 2002

The Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in New York City
By Malve von Hassell ’77
Bergin & Garvey, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002

Zoom: How 12 Exceptional Companies Are Navigating the Road to the Next Economy
By James M. Citrin ’81
Doubleday & Company, 2002

Beauty for Ashes: Spiritual Reflections on the Attack on America
Edited by John Farina ’72
Crossroad Publishing Group, 2001

Tax Court Practice
By Jane Cohen Bergner ’64
The West Group, 2001

Court of Federal Claims Practice
By Jane Cohen Bergner ’64
The West Group, 2001

Ethics in Community Mental Health Care: Commonplace Concerns
Edited by Patricia Backlar ’52 and David L. Cutler

America book cover
America book cover
God Within: Our Spiritual Future as Told by Today’s NEW Adults
Contributing essay by Emmy Bean ’02
SkyLights Paths Publishing, 2001

Re:Direction: A Theoretical and Practical Guide
Edited by Rebecca Schneider and Gabrielle Cody, associate professor of drama
Routledge Press, 2002

Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls
By Rachel Simmons ’96
Harcourt, Inc., 2002


By E. R. Frank
Atheneum Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, 2002


Buckner painting
Buckner painting

George Derek Buckner ’92

For the third year, the Lizan Tops Gallery of East Hampton, New York, will present an exhibition of the work of painter Buckner. This year’s show will not only highlight Buckner’s well-known landscapes, but will introduce his new urban cityscapes. The exhibition will run from June 1 through July 1, 2002.

Schreder photo
Schreder photo

Joan Schreder ’41

After moving from printmaking to watercolor, Schreder has started a new career in landscape photography. While taking pictures to use in connection with her watercolors, she decided to start showing the photographs themselves. Travel to Madrid or Barcelona, Spain, in mid-September to view her next exhibition.

Nangle painting
Nangle painting

Karen Nangle ’59

In a solo exhibition at CERES Gallery in New York City, Nangle will present her new series of paintings entitled Fences: The Thin Edge of the Wedge. The exhibition runs from June 18 through July 13, 2002.