Milbrey “Missie” Rennie Taylor ’68—Recipient of the
AAVC 2011 Outstanding Service to Vassar Award

Missie Rennie Taylor’s years of dedication to Vassar have set a new gold standard for commitment, leadership, and service to the college. Since graduating in 1968, she has served Vassar and AAVC in a wide variety of roles, working both behind the scenes and in highly visible positions.
On behalf of AAVC, Missie served as Reunion Chair and AAVC Board member, and became a dedicated member of the Vassar Club of New York. Within the New York City club, she served as Co-Chair of Career Services, Nominating Committee Chair, Secretary, and Vice President.
Missie has been an equally strong fundraiser for and supporter of the College. She is a Vice Chair of the Campaign Committee for the Vassar 150: World Changing campaign and played a pivotal role in shaping its communications strategy. She is a member of the President’s Advisory Council and continues to volunteer as a career advisor. Missie served on the Vassar Board of Trustees (1989–2001) and on the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center’s 25th Anniversary Committee.
Much of her work on behalf of Vassar was carried out while raising a family with her husband, Zach, and pursuing a demanding career in the television news business, including 25 years at CBS News.
On October 14, 2011, the Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College (AAVC) awarded Missie the eleventh annual AAVC Award for Outstanding Service to Vassar College. We salute her for her hard work, dedication, and excellent service.