Previous Lectures

Department of Africana Studies: “Mapping Abolition at Home: How we Fight for an Abolitionist Future Across New York”. Moderated by Lucinda Carroll and Naomi Friedman. November 18th, 5–6:30 p.m.
Frank B. Wilderson III: “Social Death and Narrative Aporia: Stories of Absence are not Stories Loss”. Thursday October 28th 6:00 p.m. Rocky 200.
Afropessimism Book Discussion, Frank B. Wilderson III. Monday October 25th 5:30 p.m., Ordan Conference Room, Main Building.
Afro-Carribbean Women Teachers: Race, Transnational Labor, and Decolonial Diasporic Resistance. May 5, 12pm.
A poster for an event titled "On Mattering: Voices from the Movement and Beyond." There is a lot of additional text on the poster. There is a black fist clip art in the top right corner. Headshot images of each speaker are scattered throughout the poster in circle borders.
Trope of Awkwardness poster
Aishah Simmons poster
A Savvy People - Romer
"They Builded Better Than They Knew" - Toivo Asheeke


A World Without Police. Thursday September 23, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Library Class of ’51 Reading Room.
Professor Souleymane Bachir Diagne: “In Search of Africa’s Universalism and Decolonial Thought”. Friday May 7, 2021 from 10 to noon.
The Africana Studies Program at Vassar College presents the second series of workshops in Arabic Calligraphy. Thursday March 11, March 25, April 8, and May 20, 2021, from 7 to 8 pm.


A poster with the text "CLCS 121 Anti-racism, Equity & Justice: Activism & Learning".
Decolonial Feminism in the age of Racial Neoliberal Capitalism - Françoise Vergés

Beyond Racism: Anti-Blackness of the Human and the Social

João Costa Vargas

João H. Costa Vargas, a professor of anthropology, examines how antiblackness affects society as a whole through analyses of recent protests against police killings of Black individuals in both the U.S. and Brazil, as well as the everyday dynamics of incarceration, residential segregation, and poverty. Ultimately, he asks why the denial of antiblackness persists, whom this narrative serves, and what political realities it makes possible.


A poster for an event. There is a lot of text, too much to include, but the title is "Ashley Fent: Environmental Activism and Emergent Extractive Frontiers in Senegal". There is a headshot picture of Ashley Fent in a deep blue shirt and black blazer against a gray background.