For Graduates
Detailed information is provided by Campus Activities throughout your last year at Vassar. Please check your Vassar email address for information about Commencement and related deadlines.
Important Dates and Checklist
Each graduate must complete the following items prior to Commencement:
- By March 31, 2025: Diploma Name—Your diploma name defaults to your legal name, but can be changed to a name of your choosing. By the end of March, you must indicate how you want your diploma to read by updating your name in the system
- By April 18, 2025: Name Pronunciation—During Commencement Dean Alamo will be reading your name aloud. Please record the pronunciation of your name on this moodle site now until April 18.
- Coming Soon: Register Guests for Commencement—Starting in March, graduates are required to register their four guests for commencement
- By April 25, 2025: Academic Regalia—Purchase academic dress from the College Store to participate in Commencement. If you already purchased regalia for Convocation, you will use this same regalia for Commencement. Students with demonstrated financial need who find it challenging to purchase academic dress may apply for financial assistance by Friday, April 18, 2025 to acquire academic dress
- On Thursday, May 8, 2025: Senior Week Tickets—All ticketed Senior Week events will have ticket pickup on Thursday, May 8, from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Chapel for all seniors. Guests and make-up seniors can get their tickets on Friday, May 9. Seniors should check their email for information on ticketing in April!
- On Friday, May 23, 2025: Commencement Rehearsal—Attendance at Commencement rehearsal is required. Continental breakfast begins at 9:15am and rehearsal will begin promptly at 10:00am on Friday, May 23 at Commencement Hill
- On Monday, May 26, 2025: Move Out—All students must move out of the residential houses by 12:00 p.m. Anyone who moves out late will be charged for two days of intersessional housing.
Registration and Tickets
Starting in March, due to the size of the graduating class and capacity of Commencement Hill, each graduate is permitted to register four (4) guests to attend Commencement in person. The event is live-streamed from the Commencement page for those unable to attend. You will need to the following information from each of your guests in order to register them successfully:
- Name of each guest
- Unique phone number of each guest (used to auto enroll in the emergency alert system used in the event of an emergency or for severe weather)
- Unique email (used to send commencement ticket and register emergency alert system)
- Accessibility needs or translation services for ASL, Mandarin, or Spanish
- General interest in attending any of the weekend commencement events
- Indication which two (2) guests will be able to attend if Commencement is moved indoors for severe weather
Academic Dress
Academic dress is required to march at Commencement. Graduation caps, gowns, hoods and tassels are available at the Vassar College Store, 60 Raymond Ave. Suite 1, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 or by visiting
During commencement, the Registrar’s Office will distribute a Vassar diploma cover containing your Vassar diploma. Should you receive general or departmental honors, you will be notified at commencement, and your diploma will be inscribed with honors and mailed to you after commencement. If you receive honors, please retain your diploma cover issued at commencement, as a duplicate will not be mailed with your honors diploma. All Vassar diplomas are issued in Latin. The English translation of your diploma will be provided in the Commencement Program, accessible on the Registrar website, and enclosed with your Latin diploma. While diplomas are not produced in English, the Registrar’s Office can furnish a written letter of verification upon request.
GradImages has been hired to take photographs of students at Commencement. You may contact a customer representative by calling 1-800-261-2576 or contacting through email. Graduates can access their photos at 3–4 weeks following commencement.
The Vassarion team will distribute pre-ordered yearbooks at a scheduled event during Senior Week. You may order a Vassarion yearbook until April 25, 2025. Contact for questions regarding yearbooks.
Commencement Announcements, Diploma Frames, Vassar Class Rings
Contact to purchase commencement announcements, diploma frames, or a Vassar ring.
Housing Move-out
During your time at Vassar, you have likely accumulated a lot of memories, knowledge, and belongings. Senior move-out is by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, May 26, 2025. Anyone who moves out late will be charged for two days of intersessional housing. Here are a few suggestions to help prepare for your final move out:
- Start moving early. Spring break is a great time to take items home that you won’t need in April or May. This will significantly help lighten the load
- Talk to your roommates and develop a plan for splitting shared items and cleaning communal spaces
- Donate or sell items you no longer need. SWAPR will have donation bins available on campus
- Need help moving? The ROC can help connect you to a Vassar-Affiliated mover or book a reservation for a moving vehicle from a local company early