August 31, 2022
(All standing) Fanfare
Bohdan Kotyuk (b.1951)
(Ukrainian composer living in Lviv, Ukraine)
Gail Archer, Organ
Land Acknowledgment
Rev. Samuel H. Speers, Associate Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative Practices

The Convocation Choir
Unclouded Day
Words and Music by J.K. Alwood (1828–1909)
Arranged by Shawn Kirchner
Christine Howlett, Associate Professor and Chair of Music and Director of Choral Activities

Elizabeth H. Bradley, President, Vassar College

Carlos Alamo-Pastrana, Dean of the College

Alumnae/i Association of Vassar College (AAVC) Award Presentation
Monica Vachher ’77, President, AAVC
Stephanie Goldberg ’14, Member, AAVC Alumnae/i Recognition Committee
Arushi Raina ’14, 2022 Young Alumnae/i Achievement Award Recipient

Julián Aguilar ’23, President, Vassar Student Association

2022 Faculty Endowed Chairs Presentation
William Hoynes, Dean of the Faculty

Convocation Address: “How I got Medieval: From First Gen to PhD”
Nancy Bisaha, Professor of History

(All standing) Gaudeamus Igitur
Arr. Geer/Bartholomew
Christine Howlett, Associate Professor and Chair of Music and Director of Choral Activities
Rev. Samuel H. Speers, Associate Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative Practices
(All standing)
Komm, Heiliger Geist BWV 651
J.S Bach (1685–1750)