Fall 2015
Josh Shepperd
Josh Shepperd is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies at Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.
Event on October 7: “On Sound Preservation and Digital Humanities”
In the News: Shepperd sounds off on the importance of audio preservation
Mark Dion

Mark Dion is an American conceptual artist best known for his use of scientific presentations in his installations. Dion earned a BFA in 1986 from the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford, Connecticut, and was also awarded an honorary doctorate in 2003. Presently, Dion lives and works in New York and Pennsylvania with his wife, the artist Dana Sherwood. Dion is currently a mentor at Columbia University in New York and co-director of Mildred’s Land, a visual art education and residency program in Beach Lake, Pennsylvania.
Lecture on October 27: “Troubleshooting and trouble making—worldwide”
Peter Cook

Peter S. Cook is an internationally reputed Deaf performing artist whose works incorporate American Sign Language, pantomime, storytelling, acting, and movement. Peter has traveled extensively around the country and aboard with Flying Words Project to promote ASL Literature with Kenny Lerner since 1986. Peter was featured nationally in festivals such as the Jonesboro National Storytelling Festival, Oklahoma City Winter Tales, Illinois Storytelling Festival, Indiana Hoosier Storytelling Festival, Eugene Oregon Multi-Cultural Festival, and The Deaf Way II and the Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
Lecture on November 5: “Painting in the Air: Creativity and ASL”
Joint Performance with Kenny Lerner on November 7: “Flying Words Project”
In the News: Deaf performing artist and poet Peter Cook to lecture and perform with the Flying Words Project, November 5 and 7, 2015, Silent poetry adopts visual rhyme
Kenny Lerner
Kenny received his BA from Beloit College and his M.Ed in Deaf Education from the University of Virginia. He teaches History of Modern America while tutoring all History and Science Technology & Society courses offered at RIT. Kenny also creates ASL poetry with his Deaf partner, Peter Cook. Together they comprise Flying Words Project, a collaboration that commenced in 1984.
Paul Riismandel

Paul Riismandel is co-founder and operations director of Radio Survivor. He is also the podcasting evangelist for Midroll Media, serving as producer for The Wolf Den podcast. Paul has more than 20 years of experience in non-commercial radio and instructional media. He is a contributing editor for Streaming Media Magazine, covering the education beat.
Lecture on November 18: “Is This the Golden Age of Podcasting? Why Now? What Does It Mean?”