The Dancers

Special Agent Ella Albrecht is a senior International Studies and French double major with a Dance Performance correlate (oh-so multidisciplinary!). She couldn’t be more delighted to spend her last year movin’ and groovin’ in Keynon with her talented peers. Much gratitude to all of you VRDT supporters! Xx

Clara Alger is a junior History major and Dance Performance correlate from Doylestown, PA. With a background at a small ballet studio, she is grateful for the ways VRDT has opened her world and for the community of talented dancers. She loves to lay on the floor in studio 2, enjoy a long bench sit in the sun, and drink lots of deece green tea.

Secret Agent Helen Ambrose is a senior from [redacted], Colorado (where they have real mountains) and is pursuing a Greek and Roman Studies Major with correlates in dance (!!) and Arabic language. Around campus, you can find her eating ice cream sandwiches in the Deece, [redacted], or practicing dead languages (yay GRST majors). She is excited to perform with VRDT for her fourth year and hopes to avoid body-slamming another dancer!

Jayla Anderson is a freshman from New Haven, CT, and a prospective English Major on a Creative Writing track. She transitioned from gymnastics to dance after attending Betsy Ross Arts Middle School and fell in love with the art. Since then, she’s studied dance at Dance Unlimited Studio and Cooperative Arts & Humanities High School, finding her artistry in Modern techniques. When she’s not dancing she can be found around campus writing, riding her bike, or laughing extremely loudly with friends. If you cannot locate her, she’s napping while listening to music.

Special Agent Maia Beaudry: Senior member, originally from Massachusetts. Is currently pursuing a degree in Neuroscience with a pre-medical track and a dance correlate. Latest investigations include (but are not limited to) inspecting the Bridge for optimal study locations, perusing Spotify’s daylist for new music (she is actively accepting new recommendations), and training in the art of making pistachio lattes. Back for one last full year at Vassar after her time abroad in [REDACTED], Agent M. is optimistic about her final missions in VRDT.

Special Agent Nia Bethel-Brescia is a Senior American Studies major and Dance Studies correlate from Norwalk, CT. Besides dancing, she loves drawing with crayons, being near bodies of water, wandering through art museums and co-hosting WVKR’s hottest radio show “Mixed Media”. She is sending love + gratitude to her friends and family. She thinks the present moment is a beautiful place/time to be.

Andi Buqa is a first year international student coming from the Republic of Kosovo. He is a prospective neuroscience and international studies double major with a potential dance correlate. While his main focus remains in classical ballet, he has been very eager to explore other dance forms as well. He loves running, music, deece ice cream, and no matter how exhausting his schedule is, he will always find time for his friends. Being so far away from home throughout the academic year, the halls of VRDT (packed with dancers, dance equipment, and water bottles everywhere) provide a feeling he’s familiar with. Therefore, he is very enthusiastic to be here.

Hana Colley is a sophomore from NYC and is so excited to be back for another year with VRDT!!! She is a prospective cognitive science student with a hopeful double correlate in dance and chemistry. Her previous training has been ballet focused, but while at vassar she has had the lovely opportunity to expand and explore new styles of dance!!! When not dancing (usually in dead pointe shoes) you can find her lounging on the quad or in front of sweet treats, hoping the deece has mint choc chip ice cream.

Frieda Dangerfield is a sophomore psychology major with a creative writing and a (coming soon…) dance correlate. She’s from Boston, and has mainly trained in modern and ballet. Frieda loves VRDT, yes she does, yes she does!! Outside of the studio, she can be found possibly sick, probably with her film camera, and definitely ready to talk about your letterboxd top four. She has also been told that she has incredibly identifiable feet, so watch out for them when you come see the shows!

Maria Dean is a junior from Northampton Massachusetts pursuing a psychology major with a dance correlate! Outside of Kenyon you can find her hiking, swimming, cooking with loved ones, or singing in her room (and likely annoying her lovely housmates). After a semester abroad filled with longing to dance in Kenyon, she is delighted to be back in the studio with these beautiful people <3

Haley Dexter is a first-year from Pittsburgh, PA. She has no idea what she wants to major in, but would love to pursue a dance correlate! Outside of the studio, she loves baking, listening to music on long walks, studying with friends, and making sandwiches in the Deece. She is so excited to be a part of the amazing group of people that is VRDT! She sends love to her dance family back home, and thanks them for making her the person she is today.

Annabelle Fields is a sophomore and is excited for another year in VRDT! She is a prospective art history major and dance correlate from Los Angeles, but lived in Kauai most of her life. She began dancing at 3 years old and has always classified herself as a certified bunhead ballerina. You can always find her listening to Taylor Swift or Lana del Rey. She’s also always happy to get a sweet treat!

Zack Garipoli (not Zachary, never Zachary) is a junior from Mount Vernon, New York with majors in math and English. He can frequently be found entering classrooms late, wearing oversized heart-shaped sunglasses, and participating in nearly every dance org at Vassar. He is grateful for the opportunity to pursue dance with VRDT.

Super secret special agent Jacob Geiger - A jazzy guy, a natural born hater, a big fan of fries in a cup.

Paige Glover: This one goes to my friends and family—at Vassar, in California, and elsewhere—who so graciously accept “I can’t, I have dance” as my forever-excuse. Forgive me and the broken record! I love you to dance...and can’t wait to share the work we’ve made.

Ella Gove is a freshman from Bakersfield, California, and has been dancing since the age of 5. When not dancing, she spends her time coercing her cats to spend time with her, listening to music, playing the violin, and watching nearby creatures. She looks forward to this year with VRDT!

Sarra Grimshaw is a first-year prospective Biology major with a dance performance correlate from Hyde Park, Chicago. She has been dancing since the age of three, primarily in ballet but loves to explore other dance styles, especially anything jazzy. When she’s not in the studio you can find Sarra biking around campus, buying (even more) coffee at Krafted Cup, or studying on Joss Beach while the weather’s nice. She’d like to thank her friends, family, and dance teachers for all their support, and can’t wait for her first year with VRDT!

Fiora Hogan, she is. Freshman from the eastern shore of Maryland! Film major maybe math? French twist learner, soon master-er! Forgetful of class combinations. Find her making oreo sundaes with friends at sweets! Few things she loves are crunchy clouds, pasta with vodka sauce, fall leaves, her diffuser, and danceable tunes. Feeling snazzy, jazzy, and so excited about her first year in VRDT!! For her family, friends, and dance fam back home, she sends love!

Ask Madeline Hsiao (sophomore; Natick, MA) about her penchant for trinkets, overuse of the notes app, playlist curation, and her daily journaling goal. You and her will get along if you reject the big light and embrace ambient lighting fixtures instead. Contact her if you are interested in pondering or venturing off campus for coffee as a form of self care. She may or may not graduate with majors in math and psych and a dance correlate. Circle back in two years to find out.

Special Agent Camille Jannuzi is a senior from Charm City (welcome to Baltimore, hun!). She is studying history and education with hopes of becoming a high school history teacher (great cover, right?). She also studies Italian and spent a fantastic semester in Bologna doing all kinds of [redacted] activities! She loves Kenyon and VRDT oh so much and will be so sad to leave in the spring. Her plans for after graduation include [redacted]. Mi mancherete molto! <3

Asa Kittay is a freshman from Manhattan. He has been dancing ballet for as long as he can remember and has loved (almost) every second of it. He has no clue what he wants to major in, but he hopes to figure it out soon. He would love to dance professionally but is really happy to be at Vassar, with such interesting, funny, supportive, and kind people. When he’s not dancing, he writes screenplays, plays frisbee, stares at the stars, procrastinates on homework, or watches really weird obscure movies. He is so excited to be a part of VRDT!

Cecilia Kittross is a junior art history major and dance performance correlate from Western Mass. She is thrilled to be dancing with VRDT for only one semester this year before she leaves to study abroad at the University of Edinburgh in the spring!

Zoë LaCheen-Fine loves ballet, modern, contemporary, and jazz and is so excited to be in VRDT again this year. She is a sophomore from New Jersey and a computer science major with possible dance performance and studio art correlates. Outside of academics and dance, she loves to hang out with friends, take her camera to capture some nature photos, or read a good book. Please give her a hug and music recommendations. She can’t wait to dance for you!

Lilianne Liu is a sophomore art history major from Shanghai, China. She is very excited to be a part of VRDT this year! Her dance training began in ballet, but she became obsessed with modern dance in recent years. Some of her other recent hobbies include free diving, listening to the band My Little Airport, and consuming deece oranges.

ada lovelace is a sophomore, drama major (and maybe religion double?), from ‘middle of nowhere,’ iowa. she enjoys reading, writing, singing, dancing, running, and avoiding gluten poisoning. she is a wannabe theater kid some days, and wants to be with her dogs all the days. ada likes gummy bears, corn, mini marshmallows, and her mother’s jewelry. she is a roblox power wash simulator expert.

Sophia Maron Schaeffer is a junior from Yonkers, New York. As a math and French double major (and dance performance correlate!), she’s optimistic that she can survive off of four hours of sleep each night. Soph plans to study abroad in Paris next semester and will deeply miss seeing the warm smiles of her friends around campus, playing with her pet gecko Popcorn, and the Coffee N’ Sweets section of the Deece. Quick question – Is it true that Anjali Turchiano is Soph’s VRDT doppelgänger? We need to know.

Meg Matchett (she/her) is a freshman from Mariposa, California and a prospective double major in “I have no clue” and “definitely not math” studies. She started dancing with Yosemite Dance Company when she was 11 years old in the world of competitive dance, with favorite styles in contemporary and hip hop. She loves books, movies, music, traveling, converse, t-shirts, and she runs on coffee. Shoutout to her wonderful dance team back home, her friends, and to her family!

Cruz Nunez is a junior from Tucson, Arizona with a lot of opinions. Purple is the best color, deece hot chocolate is actually amazing, and his decision to major in computer science (help) will definitely, definitely be worth it someday when he has the money to adopt every cat he can find. If you need him, he can usually be found running across campus to whatever class or rehearsal he’s late for this time, most likely having forgotten both his VCard and his ADHD medication.

Special agent Bella Rose McCray is senior film and anthropology double major from Oklahoma City, OK.
Enjoyments include: dancing, eating, sleeping, putting on one-woman shows.
Likes: VRDT, her pet fish Solomon.
Dislikes: cantaloupe.

This bio for Sofía Mendez has been [redacted].

Lilli Palmer, AKA Lil’ P, hails from the cranberry bogs of Massachusetts. Raised on Cape Cod, she is a natural tourist-hater, avid beachgoer, and well accustomed to hours of Bridge traffic. She loves cheese, guinea pigs, and pop-its. She is also so thankful to have found VRDT and the dance orgs of Vassar so she can dance on stage not just in the mirror.

Nikko Ramos, I am a first year student and I’m not yet sure what I want to major in but I have a strong interest in Drama and Physics. My favorite activity is climbing trees or rocks and I have an addiction to boba tea. I’m originally from Austin Texas where I started dancing through ZACH Theater’s Pre Professional Company and ZACH Performing Arts Conservatory training in Musical Theater all four years of High School.

Special Agent Abby Rice is a senior who likes to laugh, loves to sleep on the couch, and makes a whole lot of noise!

Special Agent Noe Rueschemeyer-Bailey is a senior from Amherst, Massachusetts majoring in History with a Dance correlate. She loves hugs, politics, eating pickles, and doing modern (ofc always attempting to keep her pelvis aligned). Unfortunately after many years in the Dance Department her extensions are still limited to [REDACTED] degrees.

Olivia Sparks, junior double majoring in Psychological Science and Africana Studies, i’m from Los Angeles (west coast best coast), i’m beyonce’s #1 fan, a pasta enthusiast, hater of avocados, poetry lover, and I am so excited to dance the night away with VRDT, xoxo ♡︎

special agent alex spitzer is a senior cognitive science major with asian american studies and dance correlates from san diego, california. she is a big fan of napping, reading, and snacking, and also cargo pants, lots of jewelry, and [REDACTED]. when she’s not speed walking across campus to kenyon, she enjoys stealing food from the deece (sorry), carpool karaoke, and trying to like coffee.

Tara Sweeney is a freshman from upstate New York with interests in studying English, Creative Writing, and definitely dance. She has trained mostly in ballet in Saratoga Springs, NY but is excited to try other styles with VRDT. Outside of the studio she can be found listening to Fleetwood Mac, reading mystery novels, or studying with friends. She would like to thank her family and teachers back home who helped her get here today!

Special Agent Dana Tagliaferro is a senior neuroscience major and dance performance correlate from Woodland Park, NJ. You will probably find her napping on the Kenyon couches or walking to and from Olmstead in a sweat. And she will always be seen with her headphones on jamming out to her Spotify daylist. Please tell her your Letterboxd top 4, or about your cats if you have any. She would like to thank her first home, Dance World Academy, and her family for their constant support. She loves VRDT with all her heart!

Anjali Turchiano is a sophomore psychology major from NYC. She is often seen with an iced latte in hand and painted nails. She is an avid fan of multi-hour VRDT dinners, chocolate chip pancakes, and The Brew. While mostly trained in ballet, she has fallen in love with modern and jazz at Vassar and is on the exec board of Vassar on Tap this year. She loves VRDT with all her heart and is looking forward to late night rehearsals and the excitement of show week. Is Sophia Maron Schaeffer my doppelgänger? Let us know if you agree <3

Margo Walters is a sophomore prospective Environmental Studies and French double major from Seattle, Washington. In addition to VRDT, she is part of House Team (yay Community Fellows!) and a passionate member of the Outing Club. Around campus, you can find her embarking on outdoor adventures, sleeping during movie nights, adding to her photo wall, and stargazing with friends. Her foundations are in ballet and modern and she is so excited to be joining VRDT and all its amazing dancers!

Agent Ki’tsai Zangpo is a senior majoring in [REDACTED] hailing from [REDACTED]. Some of his favorite pastimes include [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. When not busy with [REDACTED], Ki’tsai enjoys spending time with his [REDACTED] and taking long walks on the beach.
The Dancers
Clara Alger

Clara Alger (she/her) is a sophomore prospective History major from Doylestown, PA. While her foundation lies in ballet, she loves getting the opportunity to spend more time on modern dance at Vassar. Outside of the studio, she can be found making playlists, forest bathing, or decorating her Jewett dorm walls. She is so happy to be a part of a community of talented dancers and to work with the experienced teachers of VRDT. She wants to thank her wonderful family and friends for all their support.
Helen Ambrose

Helen Ambrose is a junior from Colorado (where they have real mountains) and is pursuing a Greek and Roman Studies Major with correlates in dance (!!) and Arabic language. Around campus, you can find her eating ice cream sandwiches in the Deece, reading books when she should be studying, or practicing dead languages (yay GRST majors). She is excited to perform with VRDT for her third year and hopes to avoid body-slamming another dancer!
Cassidy Baratta

Cassidy Baratta likes to dance!
Nia Bethel-Brescia

Nia Bethel-Brescia is a junior American Studies major and Dance correlate from Norwalk, CT. When she’s not dancing, she might be zooming around campus on her gorgeous pink bike, taking pictures of sunlight bouncing off the water in little rivers and rippling puddles, scribbling in her journal (probably writing a weird poem), and daydreaming about elaborate desserts. She thinks the present moment is a beautiful place/time to be. She is sending lots of love and gratitude to her sweet dance friends, fabulous dance teachers, and ever-supportive family!
Hana Colley

Hana Colley is a first-year from NYC. Her parents put her into dance at a young age of three because she always had a little too much energy. Ever since then she has continued dancing and has trained at The School of American Ballet, American Ballet Theater and Ballet Academy East. She’s very excited to continue dancing at Vassar with VRDT!
Frieda Dangerfield

Frieda Dangerfield is a first year (who has almost no idea what she wants to do, but LOVES to dance). Originally from the Boston area, she has mainly trained in modern and ballet and is so excited to be joining VRDT this year!! Outside of the studio, she can be found possibly sick, probably with her film camera, and definitely ready to talk about your letterboxd top four. She has also been told that she has incredibly identifiable feet, so watch out for them when you come to see the shows!
Julia Dawson

Julia Dawson is a senior Mathematics major from San Diego, California. She can be found mulling over the hoard of pointe shoes in her locker or perched atop the Studio 2 bars. She began her dance training at the California Ballet School in San Diego and later moved to Chicago to train year-round at the Joffrey Academy of Dance. It was there that she watched snow fall for the first time, and, for her, it has never lost its novelty.
Maria Dean

Maria Dean is a sophomore from Northampton Massachusetts, who is ecstatic about her second year in VRDT. She has been training in ballet for over 10 years and was introduced to contemporary and other styles in the last three years of her dancing career. When she’s not dancing she’s singing in her room, admiring the rain, procrastinating her work, or hanging out with friends.
Alexandra Duff

Alexandra Duff is a senior from Brooklyn, New York majoring in International Studies and English. She began her dance training at the School of American Ballet and went on to study at Ballet Academy East, spending summers at intensive programs across the country. After studying abroad at the University of Oxford last year, she is thrilled to return to VRDT for her final semesters at Vassar! She would like to thank the dance department for their support and her wonderful family and friends for their guidance, humor, and love.
Annabelle Fields

Annabelle Fields is a freshman and this is her first year in VRDT! She is from Los Angeles, but lived in Kauai, Hawaii for most of her life. She began dancing at 3 years old and has always classified herself as a certified bunhead ballerina. Her favorite color is purple and you can always find her listening to Taylor Swift or Lana del Rey. She is very excited to join her new dance home, VRDT!
Jacob Geiger

Jacob Geiger A jazzy guy. A natural born hater. A big fan of fries in a cup.
Paige Glover

Paige Glover is a sophomore art history and english double major who loves to dance! Her foundations are in contemporary and ballet, though she’s found a new love for modern at Vassar. It is true....her C-curve needs work...but she (solemnly) promises to sort it out by the end of the semester.
Eva Gubitz-Hess

Hallöchen! My name is Eva Gubitz-Hess and I am a senior Biology major and German correlate. My hobbies include giving hugs, not knowing the combination, and being in awe of my fellow dancers. I’m juggling too many responsibilities as per usual, but the support of my friends always carries me through. Looking forward to an inspiring final year with VRDT!
Madeline Hsiao

Madeline Hsiao is a first-year maybe-math-major from Natick, Massachusetts. When not napping or dancing, you can find her curating Spotify playlists, expanding her ever-growing photo wall, journaling at a cafe, or calling a friend. She is an avid enjoyer of iced vanilla lattes, baggy dance clothes, casual friend dinners, and ambient lighting. A reformed comp kid, she is eager to continue dancing at Vassar and get to know the talented people of VRDT (and possibly end up with a dance correlate?)!
Cecilia Kittross

Cecilia Kittross is a sophomore prospective art history major from western Massachusetts. She loves Deece sugar cookies and late night walks. She is very excited to be a part of VRDT this year!!
Zoë LaCheen-Fine

Zoë LaCheen-Fine loves ballet, modern, contemporary, and jazz and is so excited to join VRDT this year. She is interested in computer science, web design, and digital art. Outside of academics and dance, she loves to hang out with friends, take her camera to capture some nature photos, or read a good book. Most of her dance training is thanks to Nunnbetter Dance Theatre in New Jersey. She would like to thank her family and friends for helping her achieve everything she has done to get her here!
Ethan Maluccino

Ethan Maluccino is just happy to be here (and honestly probably thinking about Beowulf right now)
Sophia Maron Schaeffer

Sophia Maron Schaeffer is a sophomore from Yonkers, New York. As a math and French double major (and dance performance correlate!), she’s optimistic that she can survive off of four hours of sleep each night. When she isn’t dancing, Sophia can be found in the Coffee N’ Sweets section of the Deece, laughing obnoxiously loud with her friends, or playing with her pet gecko, Popcorn. Sophia is so excited to perform with VRDT for her second year. She sends her love to her family, friends, and teachers for their endless support!
Emma Mazloom

Renowned for her purple prose, flexed hands, and versatility with a sunny-side-up egg, Emma Mazloom is endlessly grateful to be part of the vibrant community of artists and people that is VRDT. She is a senior political science and Chinese major with a correlate in dance performance from upstate New York, from which she brings a sophisticated taste in tabbouleh, a deep sense of yearning, and satisfaction with only having Spotify Free. Love always to her family and friends, DWS, and deece water; hate always to apathy, celery, and overhead light.
Sofía Mendez

Sofía Mendez
Cruz Nunez

Cruz Nunez is a sophomore from Tucson, Arizona who has absolutely no idea what his major is, please don’t ask or he will probably cry. He loves anything penguin related, obscene amounts of sugar, and making fun of the Speros for being short. He can usually be found running across campus to whichever class or rehearsal he’s late for this time, most likely having forgotten both his VCard and his ADHD medication.
Lillian Palmer

Lillian Palmer, also known as Lilli, Lilz, and Lil’ P, is a freshman from Falmouth Massachusetts. As a native Cape Codder, she loves the ocean (namely the Atlantic), laying on the beach, and her vast collection of sunglasses. She also loves her many pets: her poodle Clover, her cat Ollie, and her ancient bunny Flash. She has been training at Turning Pointe Dance Studio for the last 15 years and is ecstatic to be joining the Vassar dance department and the VRDT fam!
Bella Restrepo

Bella Restrepo is a freshman from Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Though she is beyond indecisive so this will probably change, she is a prospective environmental studies major. Things that Bella likes: cooking with too much garlic, drives home from the beach, sleeping under her weighted blanket, spending time in forests. Things she doesn’t like: any kind of soup, wearing shorts, the dark. Bella is so excited to start her journey at Vassar with the beautiful people of VRDT.
Abby Rice

Abby Rice (she/her) is so excited to be returning to VRDT as a junior this year! She is from Buffalo, New York, and is a history major with a dance performance correlate. In addition to VRDT, she is a member of Flypeople, and is also on the exec board for Vassar On Tap. When not dancing, she enjoys reading in the sunshine, having movie nights with her lovely suitemates, and blasting music on long car rides. She would like to thank Vassar’s wonderful dance faculty and the incredible VRDT dancers for making Kenyon her second home on campus!
Maria-Fernanda Rodriguez
Maria-Fernanda Rodriguez
Yoshi Sanders

Yoshi Sanders is a senior psychology major and dance correlate from Western Mass. Yoshi loves vrdt, sending nice songs to friends, the smell before rain, pokemon, and cooking for others. A major fan of rest and relaxation, lounging and lazing, and staying in during cold winter days.
Maya Schiller

Maya Schiller is an STS major, abandoned Hispanic Studies correlate, pre-PA senior from Tewksbury, NJ. She enjoys eating food with friends, colorful sneakers, her emotional support water bottles, and her dog Stanley. She does not enjoy the sweaty speed walk from rehearsal in Kenyon to the Bridge for lab classes. She is so grateful for all the beautiful friendships and wonderful memories from VRDT that will last a lifetime.
David Shively-Ertas

David Shively-Ertas
Olivia Sparks

Hi!! My name is Olivia Sparks (she/her) and I am so excited to be returning to VRDT this year!! I am a sophomore from Los Angeles, California and am a prospective Psychological Science and Environmental Studies double major and Africana Studies correlate. In my free time I love to listen to and write poetry, listen to music while dancing in my room, reading outside, and hanging out with friends. I am so excited for all the amazing memories, friendships, and pieces this year in VRDT.
camryn spero

what’s the key to camryn spero’s heart? a complex question indeed! camryn is passionate about choreographing and dancing through the late hours of the day, making tasty sweets for friends, and bopping to electronic beats. a short senior, her often-sported camo jacket makes her more elusive to the eye! she’s a double major in film and cognitive science, and has had her choreography showcased in the Battery Dance Festival and the Young Choreographers Festival. camryn is madly in love with VRDT and needs to share her feelings before it’s too late!
Courtney Spero

Courtney Spero is a senior STS and Economics double major and Dance correlate. She loves dancing and choreographing so much that she’s also a member of Flypeople and Vassar On Tap. In August 2022, a piece she co-choreographed for VRDT performed at the Battery Dance Festival. Other things she feels that it’s important to mention in her final company bio include that she’s an aspiring EDM Princess, can talk your ear off about movies she enjoys, is co-operating an unofficial supper club out of her TA, and will reroute her walks if even a single goose is nearby. She is grateful for her time with VRDT and excited for one more year with these lovely people.
dana tagliaferro

dana tagliaferro is a junior neuroscience major and dance performance correlate from woodland park, nj. she loves jazz, cats, sushi, spicy foods, crocheting, and napping (not in any particular order). she may often be seen procrastinating in the deece or sprawled out on the kenyon couches. and she will always be seen with her airpods in listening to music. she would like to thank her first dance home, dance world academy, and her family for their constant support and encouragement. she loves vrdt with all her heart and is grateful to be among such talented people!
Emily Tieu

Emily Tieu is a senior International Studies major with Russian Studies & Prison Studies minors from San Jose, California. She is an expert at crying, standing on furniture, and being distracted. Emily’s friends call her "Patient Zero", due to her undiagnosed ADHD. She loves big bunches of flowers, love notes, and fancy & scrumptious things. Her ultimate life motto is: It costs nothing to be kind (just be nice, guys). Emily would like to thank her wonderful loved ones, Criminal Minds, and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Ollie, for their support over the past 4 years.
Liana Tortora

Prospective psych Major and from Chapel Hill North Carolina, Liana Tortora thoroughly enjoys all things green from forest bathing to brussel sprouts. In her spare time, when not doodling, she may be reading or ensuring her daily quests on Duolingo are met. Liana loves dancing almost as much as she loves wearing pajamas everywhere and consuming many chocolate chip cookies. She is very excited to be dancing with VRDT again this year!
Anjali Turchiano

Anjali Turchiano is a first-year from Manhattan! She is a prospective education or psychology major, but is still exploring everything. She trained at Manhattan Youth Ballet and Beacon Dance Company and is thrilled to continue her dancing with VRDT. She loves baking, watching the sunset, napping, and hanging out with friends. When she’s not in the studio, you can catch her painting her nails, making a to-do list, or drinking an iced coffee. She is so excited to be a part of this community and sends endless love to her teachers, friends, and family <3
Ki’tsai Zangpo

Ki’tsai Zangpo The jungleman dance, the jungleman prance,
The jungleman worries about splitting his pants
Hi mom!