
The Office of Engaged Pluralism (EP) seeks to promote engagement “across all manner of social difference, viewing those differences not as problems to be overcome, but as essential components of a strong community where all members have the opportunity to thrive.”

Join a Working Group

Working Groups are the main engine of Engaged Pluralism. Working Groups are dedicated to a single topic or issue. Members of the Working Group meet regularly over the course of the semester to create and design projects that build community around the Working Group’s vision.

See all Working Groups

Apply for an Igniter Pitch

Igniter Pitches fund projects that foster belonging, equity and community building. Anyone in the Vassar community may apply. The Engaged Pluralism Team is available to support and promote your idea, helping to carry it from concept to execution. Successful proposals often bring into conversation a wide group of campus participants and promote community-building across our community.

See all Igniter Pitches

Participate in Engaged Pluralism Sponsored Events

Engaged Pluralism offers workshops, events, screenings, talks, and a host of other opportunities to engage.

Get in Touch

Reach out to the Program Administrator and/or the Director of Engaged Pluralism: Selena Hughes (Engaged Pluralism Program Administrator) and Professor Kimberly Williams Brown (Director of Engaged Pluralism) would love to hear from you.

Email Selena Hughes

Email Kimberly Williams Brown