Architectural drawings and personal papers of the late Jeh Vincent Johnson, a renowned architect who taught architectural design at Vassar, were donated to Vassar by his family and are now housed in the College’s Archives and Special Collections Library.
Two students who participated in this year’s Community Fellows program worked for agencies that support people impacted by the criminal justice system.
Associate Professor of Education Kimberly Williams Brown, Vassar’s new Director of Engaged Pluralism, seeks to create a campus “that feels and looks inclusive to students, staff, administrators, and faculty.”
Vassar’s Inclusive History project, an initiative launched last year to tell the College’s story more fully and honestly, has been gaining some momentum lately.
As part of Vassar’s Inclusive History Initiative, students in a Vassar Intensive presented research relating to the Rev. Howard Thurman, a religious and civil rights leader who gave more than a dozen sermons at the College between 1928 and 1957.
Vassar is embarking on an inclusive history initiative with a goal of engaging our community broadly to research, document, and make publicly accessible the history of Vassar with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion.