Michaela Pohl

Miki Pohl received her BA in Liberal Studies from the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington (1989), and PhD in modern Russian history from Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana (1999). Her research focuses on the Soviet Union after Stalin, Kazakhstan, Chechens in past and present, and diasporas in the borderlands of the former Soviet Union.
Miki Pohl received her BA in Liberal Studies from the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington (1989), and PhD in modern Russian history from Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana (1999). Her research focuses on the Soviet Union after Stalin, Kazakhstan, Chechens in past and present, and diasporas in the borderlands of the former Soviet Union.
Among Professor Pohl’s publications are “From White Grave to Tselinograd to Astana: The Virgin Lands Opening, Khrushchev’s Forgotten First Reform,” in Denis Kozlov and Eleanor Gilburd, eds., The Thaw: Soviet Society and Culture During the 1950s and 1960s (University of Toronto Press, 2013); “Anna Politkovskaya and Ramzan Kadyrov: Exposing the Kadyrov Syndrome,” in Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 54, No. 5, September-October 2007, pp. 30-39; and “Ideologies of Identity: ‘Volk’ and ‘narod’ in Nazi and Stalinist Folkloristics,” MacArthur Occasional Paper No. 28 (Bloomington, 1995).
Box 125
Departments and Programs
HIST 242 The Russian Empire to 1812
HIST 300 Thesis Preparation: Sources, Methods, and Interpretations