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COVID-19 Policies

Dear all,

I am writing to address the questions I have heard regarding COVID-19 and campus life. We do have cases on campus, about ten right now; if this were to increase significantly, Health Service will notify the campus. Many cases, but not all, are mild. Given these current conditions, our COVID-19 policies are not changing and remain in line with the public health guidelines for higher education at county, state, and federal levels.

For students who are symptomatic, please schedule a visit with Health Service; you will be tested for COVID at no cost and counseled on public health procedures to follow. If Health Service is closed, please call the Campus Response Center (CRC); emergency medical technicians are available to help in the evenings and nights. For students who are asymptomatic, we have COVID tests in the vending machine in the library available at all hours. Masks are available through the Residential Operations Center (ROC) and at the information booth on the first floor of Main.

For employees, if you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, stay home and notify your supervisor. Get tested, and follow your medical professional’s guidance. If you test positive for COVID, inform Health Services right away, so they can provide medical advice. Health Services will confer with Human Resources as needed and advise on time away from work.

COVID is still with us and will be for the foreseeable future, and it can endanger people, especially those with autoimmune disease, other chronic illnesses, and who are older. Please do not come to work or class if you have COVID symptoms. Please get tested, and wear a mask while you are experiencing symptoms. Of course, you may wear a mask on campus at any time, and if someone asks you to put on a mask, it is considerate to do so. Last, and most important, get your COVID booster before the weather turns cold and we all retreat indoors. We will have some flu and COVID booster shot clinics for students this fall on campus. Watch your email for times.

As always, Health Service and the Accessibility and Educational Opportunity (AEO) staff are available to ensure that students with compromised immune systems and other risk factors are supported and able to thrive at Vassar. Human Resources and the Dean of Faculty office are available for employees, including faculty, who may need medical accommodations.

Thank you again to everyone for your attention to your own health and the health of the larger community. Here’s to a healthy autumn of meaningful time with colleagues and friends.

Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604