The Vassar College Survey of Social Behaviors and Student Experiences

Dear all,

I am writing regarding the Vassar College Survey of Social Behaviors and Student Experiences, which was conducted in the 2016-2017 academic year. The survey sought to improve Vassar's understanding of the extent and nature of sexual misconduct on campus and to assess students' views of the overall campus climate. The Vassar College Survey of Social Behaviors and Student Experiences, 2017 was completed by 1078 students who represented approximately 44% of the 2,478 students enrolled at Vassar for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Over the past few months I have worked with a committee of faculty, administrators, and students to analyze the results of the survey and compile a report that summarizes the results and reveals Vassar's strengths and weaknesses related to how we as a community address sexual misconduct. The full report and results are now available here. Please note that the report contains sensitive information about topics that some may find difficult. Resources both on and off campus are available to you if you need support with this content. Some of these resources are listed below.

In addition to having access to the full report (above), I invite you to attend one of two community forums where we will discuss the results of the survey. I am eager to hear your ideas about how we can work together to improve our campus climate regarding sexual misconduct. The two forums will take place in the Villard Room on Tuesday March 6th from 7pm-8pm and Wednesday March 7th from 7pm-8pm.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Vassar Counseling Services
24/7, 845-437-7333

Vassar Sexual Assault Response Advocates
24/7, 845-437-7333

Poughkeepsie Center for Victim Safety & Support
24/7, 845-452-1110


President Bradley
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY