Introduction to the Senior Team
Dear all,
I want to introduce our senior team to everyone. Although many of you know them, we have many people new to Vassar this year, and I want to be sure everyone knows who does what on the senior team. Thanks!

Dean Sonya Smith (on left) is the Dean of Admission and Student Financial Services. In July, she celebrated her one-year anniversary at Vassar. And this fall, her large, orange tabby cat turned 15. She considered throwing him a quince, even though he’s a boy...ummm, and a cat. He regularly Zoom bombs her meetings.

Carlos García (middle) is the Vice President of Technology and Human Resources, and our Chief Information Officer. Carlos is excited about his first full year working with the stellar team in HR and the technology silver linings that may come from doing so much work virtually with new tools. While Gordon Commons is closed to employees this year, you may catch Carlos grabbing lunch at Montego Bay on Raymond or La Cabañita on Main.

Wesley Dixon (on right) is Special Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Most mornings you can find Wesley working out on the Walkway Over the Hudson. Wesley is a South Florida native and as such, has been listening to the City Girls’ most recent album “City On Lock” all summer.

And then there is Tim Kane, Vice President of Alumnae/i Affairs and Development. Tim is continuing to work with the OAAD team to provide meaningful engagement and connection for our alumnae/i and parents in the era of pandemic through robust virtual programming and remote gatherings. He is especially proud to wear his newest hat as a Vassar dad to Olivia ’24!

Bini Tesfamariam is the Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support. He lives in Fishkill with his wife Rozi and three kids: Elianna, Elias, and Ezekiel. He says the three amigos are very active and keep him very busy after work hours, but he likes it that way!!

Amanita Duga-Carroll, Vice President of Communications, believes in wearing a mask to help keep her community safe but also appreciates the shopping opportunity of having a new accessory. A former news reporter turned government spokesperson and then public relations executive, Duga-Carroll loves finding and then telling a good story. Ask her about her first name if you haven’t already!

Rachel Pereira serves as the Legal Affairs Advisor, Equal Opportunity Director and Title IX Coordinator for Vassar. In her spare time, she loves to get lost in a good book and to “bookface.” She also gently convinces her family to bookface too (sometimes she has to use ice cream to bribe them to do this with her)!

Dean Bill Hoynes learned a lot, much more than he anticipated, in his first year as Dean of the Faculty. He looks forward to another year of learning in the Dean’s office...and hopes to also find some peaceful moments in the coming months.

Bryan Swarthout, Vice President of Finance and Administration, new to the role this year, oversees all areas of finance including accounting services and budget, facilities, insurance, procurement, and auxiliary services. Outside of work Bryan likes to get outdoors with his family Lauren, Addison (9), and Justin (6).

Dean Marianne H. Begemann, Dean of Strategic Planning and Academic Resources, enjoys keeping an eye on the beautiful Vassar campus from her deck in all seasons, but especially late summer and fall. Although she misses the usual hum of activity, she wants you to know there is plenty of available parking on campus right now!

Professor Candice Lowe Swift is Special Advisor to the College on Inclusion and Engaged Pluralism, and she also directs the Engaged Pluralism Initiative. She understands that this has been a very challenging year, but also one of renewal, creativity, and resilience. She says the mood of the world has shifted, and she is ready to work with those changes.

Dean Carlos Alamo is in his second year as Dean of the College. In addition to his passion for working with students to help improve their experience on campus, Dean Alamo enjoys day trips throughout the Hudson Valley with his family.
That’s the senior team. Please be in touch with any of them for questions about issues in their areas, and thanks for all your support.
Have a good week!

President Bradley
Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604