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COVID-19 Updates

Dear all,

I am writing to update you about our moving to Phase 3, which will begin on Monday, October. 12. The test positivity rate and risk levels on campus remain low, in large part due to your dedication to the health and safety of the community. Thank you!

As a result, we are now ready to enter Phase 3, and we have made a few updates as to what to expect in Phase 3.

  • Pre-approved outdoor events: Events that are pre-approved by Campus Activities may have up to 25 people outdoors. Under special circumstances, academic departments may host events of up to 50 people if they are pre-approved.
  • The Athletic and Fitness Center, which has been approved for opening by the County Department of Health, will open to the Vassar campus community in a phased manner following all appropriate New York State Guidelines for gyms and fitness centers. Use of cardio equipment in the fitness center will be available to faculty, staff, and students by reservation only beginning on Monday, October 12th. For further information and to reserve a spot, please check out the athletics website after Saturday at 9:00 am. Other recreation opportunities will be announced on the athletics website as they become available and all will be by reservation only.
  • ‘Drive-through’ tours of the campus will now be permitted. Visitors may drive onto campus for a brief tour, provided they do not exit their vehicle.
  • Athletic coaches may visit with recruits and their parent/guardian on campus but must limit their tours to outdoor athletic facilities and must follow all campus safety guidelines. Vassar students may not participate in these visits.

Items that have not changed.

  • Students still must stay on campus at all times. If you have an urgent need to be off-campus, please contact Director of Case Management Erika Pappas (, who can help. Failure to remain on campus can result in removal from campus to study remotely for the remainder of the semester.
  • We all still must wear a mask inside (unless students are with people in your pod only) and outdoors (unless you are six feet apart and stationary). And you must continue to social distance. Please be certain to remain with your pod, and not to be in close contact with anyone from another pod.
  • Informal outdoor events: Informal outdoor gatherings may not exceed 10 people.
  • Indoor gatherings: These remain limited to groups of up to 10 people or the maximum COVID-19 room capacity (see room signage), whichever is lower.
  • Given an increase in COVID-19 cases in the tri-state area and in other states, in an abundance of caution the campus remains closed to all other visitors.

We are proud of the continued commitment Vassar has shown in keeping friends, neighbors, and the entire community safe. Thank you for the example you are setting for others and for helping to ensure your college experience is a positive one during these unprecedented times.

Please visit VassarTogether for details on our phasing initiative. And have a great weekend!

Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604