Meet the senior leadership team again this year, and Happy Long Weekend!
September 3, 2021
Dear All,
I hope the first week of classes has been rejuvenating and enjoyable for everyone. I want to take a moment to introduce you to the senior team this year. Early in the year, I like to introduce the senior team so particularly new students and employees can put a face to the name and the roles.

Bill Hoynes, Dean of Faculty, is starting his 30th year at Vassar and his third year as Dean of the Faculty. He sees a bright future for the college and is glad to be back on campus, where he looks forward to seeing students and colleagues.

Sonya Smith, Dean of Admission and Student Financial Services, after two years, was thrilled to get a short trip back to SoCal this summer to visit Blue Heaven on Earth (aka Dodgers Stadium, home of the reigning World Series champions!) where she happily enjoyed a game among her people—Dodgers fans. Here she is with “el Mariachiloco,” according to his jersey.

Wesley Dixon serves at Vassar as the Special Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Wesley is a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon, and Taurus Rising. He loves cooking and perfected his ceviche recipe this summer. He hopes to learn how to sail in the coming year.

Professor Jonathon Kahn is the Special Advisor to the College on Inclusion and Engaged Pluralism as well as Professor of Religion, Africana and American Studies, and the Director of EPI. Professor Kahn loves starting each day thinking about how to build caring learning communities at Vassar. And what does he do to end the day? He loves to cook each night—such a great feeling of daily accomplishment.

Amanita Duga-Carroll, Vice President of Communications, has some of her best days about 80 feet under the water, especially when her husband and two sons are along. A former news reporter turned government spokesperson and then public relations executive, Amanita loves finding and then telling a good story. Give her a call and tell her all about yours—her cell phone is in her email signature.

Carlos Garcia is Vice President for Technology and Human Resources and Chief Information Officer. Carlos is grateful to be working with the dedicated experts in CIS, HR, and EOAA this year, and he is enthusiastic about bringing talent and technology closer together to better support everyone at Vassar achieving their goals.

Tim Kane, Vice President of Advancement, is excited to celebrate a new academic year with all of you. Below, he is enjoying Independence Day fireworks over Manhattan with his wife Beth George (parents of Olivia ’24). Vassar has 40,000+ alums in over 50 countries, spanning 9 decades, who are living, working, questioning, volunteering, leading, innovating, changing, and being in every imaginable walk of life. It is a gift to work with and learn from our alums every day.

Bini Tesfamariam is Director of Institutional Research and Strategic Decision Support. He is a father of three kids. The three little kiddos (Elianna, Elias, and Ezekiel) keep him always active. He says that is why he does not need to go to a gym.

Bryan Swarthout, Vice President for Finance and Administration, is grateful that he was finally able to go to Disney with his family after multiple delays due to COVID. They had a lot of fun! Now that the semester has started, he’s excited by everyone’s return to campus and enjoying the energy that comes with it.

Marianne H. Begemann is the Dean of Strategic Planning and Academic Resources, a role she has held since 2012 after many years teaching in the Dept. of Chemistry. She finds peace being outdoors and looks forward to enjoying the beautiful Vassar campus with everyone this academic year.

Carlos Alamo-Pastrana, Dean of the College is starting his 14th year at Vassar. This summer he got some much-needed rest, saltwater, and Caribbean sun along with his son Felix. He is especially grateful to have had an opportunity to see his ninety-year-old abuelita for the first time in three years in Puerto Rico. He looks forward to his continued work in supporting students to live their best lives.
Thanks to everyone for collaborating together with the senior leadership team to support Vassar’s mission in our 158th year!

Betsy Bradley, President. Here soaking in nature on vacation.
Have a good long weekend!
Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604