A Message from the Community Works Committee
December 15, 2023
Community Works
Vassar College Box 144
124 Raymond Ave.
Poughkeepsie NY 12604
Dear friends and colleagues,
Due to unforeseen circumstances we will need all payroll deductions for Community Works contributions to be submitted by December 18, 2023. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to support Community Works during this busy holiday season. Your support, in any amount, will make an incredible impact on the eleven non-profits chosen for this year’s campaign.
For payroll deduction, please submit your pledge form online, and upon receiving the confirmation email complete the required final step in Workday. The next steps to complete your payroll deduction request are also shared on the thank you page after submitting your pledge form. Written instructions for completing payroll deduction in Workday are available here, and there is also a step by step video here.
If you have any questions or difficulty using Workday to make your pledge please contact nscalessa@vassar.edu for assistance.
If you are not sure if your payroll deduction request was successful, search “My flexible payments and deductions” in Workday. You will get a screen like the screenshot below. If you click on the report you should see your deduction request for Community Works. The amount due will be 0 because this will begin in January.

We will also accept credit card contributions through the website and checks through the end of the year. It is not required to complete the pledge form if you are paying by check. Please make checks out to Vassar College, include "Community Works" on the memo line, and send to Community Works, Vassar College Box 144, 124 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604.
For more information please visit the Community Works website.
The Community Works Committee
Nicole Scalessa (chair), John Bradley, Kelly Ceely, Jolee DuBois, Doreen Hammell-Backer, Rose Hartman, Dana Kleinhans, Sonja Krekun, Miriam Mahdaviani, Tracy O'Neill, and Amanda Potter