New Director of Engaged Pluralism: Kimberly Williams Brown

June 3, 2024

Dear All,

I am writing to share the wonderful news that earlier this week, Professor Kimberly Williams Brown accepted the offer to serve a three-year term as Director of Engaged Pluralism (EP), to begin July 1, 2024. Professor Williams Brown has participated in many EP events and is deeply experienced in Intergroup Dialogue, a capacity that is integral to promoting a culture of engaged pluralism. Professor Williams Brown has co-written two books and several articles in relevant areas about Intergroup Dialogue method and pedagogy, transnational and decolonial feminist thinking, Black|Indigenous relations, Afro-Caribbean people and politics, and anti-racist pedagogies. She is also an outstanding teacher as noted by many students and colleagues. As part of this role, Professor Williams Brown will also be the College Advisor on Inclusion and Engaged Pluralism and join the senior leadership team of the college for the next three years.

I want to also take this opportunity to recognize the enormous contribution Professor Jonathon Kahn has made in this role for the last four years. He has led the transition of Engaged Pluralism from an initiative to a permanent part of our college’s structures. His EP course offerings on Howard Thurman and Vassar, as well as on the Wolven Glass Plate Negative Collection in the college’s archive, provided students with a profound experience of research and reflection on the history of racism and Vassar. This work also contributed directly to the building of the Vassar Inclusive History initiative, a project for which Jonathon’s leadership has been vital. I am deeply grateful for Professor’s Kahn’s thoughtful, kind, and steadying voice in EP and as the college advisor on inclusion and engaged pluralism.

As we start the new academic year, I am delighted to welcome Professor Williams Brown to her new role and I am confident that Engaged Pluralism will flourish with her leadership. Please join me in welcoming Professor Williams Brown as Director of EP and college advisor on inclusion and engaged pluralism as of July 1, 2024.

Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604