
Conversations @ The Salt Line

Welcome to Conversations @ The Salt Line, a podcast where we explore subjects that stimulate, reflect on the world’s grand challenges, and find common ground while embracing diverging perspectives because we understand that pursuing honest dialogue and debate nurtures an intellectual curiosity that leads to understanding and connection.

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Social Media Guidelines

Vassar College created our social media accounts to serve as a public forum where ideas can be shared, along with news and other communications about the college. We encourage open discussion about the topics we post but we reserve the right to manage these social media platforms and to remove comments, including those that have the following:

  • Off-topic comments
  • Illegal activities
  • Threats of violence
  • Advertising
  • Pornographic material
  • Actual or attempted defamation
  • Profanity, harassing, abusive, or hateful comments
  • Copyrighted material

Vassar College also reserves the right to block repeat offenders. Users who have concerns about specific conduct can contact Debbie Swartz at deswartz@vassar.edu.

Vassar College is not responsible for the content posted by participants on any of its pages, nor does its existence constitute endorsement of the content.