
Three people with shovels digging around a newly planted tree.

Keri VanCamp, Director of the Preserve at Vassar–in collaboration with Jen Rubbo, Director of the Environmental Cooperative; Dean Jaeger, Grounds Manager; Evan Lasher, Grounds Foreman; and Ethan Skuches, Vassar-Kenauk Conservation Fellow–was selected by the Partners for Climate Action (PCA) for an Ecological Restoration Grant supporting creative and engaging ways to support pollinators through native meadow restoration in the Hudson Valley bioregion.

Two people shaking hands over a table with two banners behind them that read: University of Edinburgh and Vassar.

The BA/MSc collaboration focuses on global climate change and will prepare students to help generate new ideas that may offer solutions. Students will earn an undergraduate bachelor’s degree from Vassar and a master’s in science from the University of Edinburgh.