Photo by Kenneth Hoffman. Jerry Horgrewe films Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) troops.
The Documents
The Final Declarations of the Geneva Conference
July 21, 1954
The American Response to the Geneva Declarations
July 21, 1954
Protocol to the SEATO Treaty
September 8, 1954
Eisenhower’s Letter of Support to Ngo Dinh Diem
October 23, 1954
Excerpts from Law 10/59
May 6, 1959
Le Duan, “Duong Loi Cach Mang Mien Nam”, [The Path of Revolution in the South]
circa 1956
Program of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Excerpts from Rusk-McNamara Report to Kennedy
November 11, 1961
Phone Conversation Between Ngo Dinh Diem and Henry Cabot Lodge
November 1, 1963
The Senate Debates the Tonkin Gulf Resolution
August 6–7, 1964
Excerpts from McGeorge Bundy’s Memo to President Johnson
February 7, 1965
Le Duan, Thu Vao Nam [Letters to the South]
(Hanoi: Nha Xuat Ban Su That, 1965), 119–162
National Security Action Memorandum Number 328
April 6, 1965, signed by McGeorge Bundy and addressed to the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Excerpts from Speech Given by President Johnson at Johns Hopkins University
April 7, 1965
Summary of Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara’s Memo to President Johnson
July 20, 1965
Democratic Republic of Vietnam Peace Proposal
June 26, 1971
Peace Proposal of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam
July 1, 1971
President Nixon’s Speech on “Vietnamization”
November 3, 1969
President Nixon’s Speech on Cambodia
April 30, 1970
Excerpts from the Paris Accords
January 27, 1973